Prompt 9 (Part Two)

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"Now Y/N's zoned out!" Mike exclaims, jerking me back to reality, "She does this all the time."

"Oi, shut it" I laugh, shoving him slightly, "it's true, but still, oi!"

This makes everyone laugh, and Emma and June get up to leave. "Bring me my bag, please?" I ask them.

"Yeah, of course," June replies, "We just need to get home soon, otherwise we'd stay, sorry."

"It's fine!" Ned says, smiling.

I don't realise that I'm slightly dancing until Ned continues, "what are you dancing to?"

"Oh..." I can feel my face going red, "I was just singing to myself in my head..."

Mike laughs, "You do that a lot too"

"It's because I'm a fucking geek, Mike, you know that" I laugh.

"Yeah, a musical theatre geek"

I stick my tongue out at him.

"You two have great chemistry" Zach comments, finally joining in. 'Oh dear lord his voice is dreamy' I think.

"I'm sure that comes from pretending to have rough sex on stage every day for... what, four months? Plus the Six months of rehearsal and stuff..." I say.

They all laugh, and then Ned asks, "what are you two doing now that Heathers' run is over?"

"Well, I'm auditioning for Grease next week, and Y/N's already in dress-rehearsals for The Phantom Of The Opera, so I think it's fair to say she's doing better than I am" Mike chuckles.

As the interview goes on, I feel much more comfortable. It's quite informal and chatty, and I'm enjoying myself, and I'm especially enjoying Zach's company.

"So, favourite song, from your least favourite show?" Ned asks.

"Well." I start, knowing Mike doesn't have an answer, "I absolutely hate Rent, I despise it -- don't get me started on why or you'll never hear the end of it -- but I really love 'Take Me Or Leave Me'."

"Sing it, sing it, sing it." Mike starts chanting, laughing.

"Ah yes, with the invisible other girl" I say, as he begins to speak in a high-pitched voice.

"I'll be Joanne!"

We sing, and being the actors we are, we become our characters.

"So anyway" I say, laughing at the weird side-track.

"That was sexier than I expected from a girl in sweatpants and a too-big t-shirt" Zach chuckles.

"You're welcome" I laugh again, "It's my party trick, I guess."

"No, your party trick is your weird shoulder thing" Mike corrects.

"Yeah, true..." I proceed to show them, touching my right ear with my right hand by going around my head. "My shoulders are like, double-jointed. It freaks people out, but I think that's because when I do it with a tank top on, you can stick your finger into the joint..."

"This is why you don't have a boyfriend" Mike mocks.

"Rude." I try not to laugh, "But probably true. Although I can't imagine anyone wants to date me anyway"

The camera guy suggests seeing if I can do another song and be sexy even dressed as I am, and I happily comply, always eager to sing.

"Come on babe

Why don't we paint the town?And all that JazzI'm gonna rouge my kneesAnd roll my stockings down

And all that jazz

Start the car

I know a whoopee spot
Where the gin is cold
But the piano's hot
It's just a noisy hall
Where there's a nightly brawl
And all



Slick your hair
And wear your buckle shoes
And all that Jazz
I hear that Father Dip
Is gonna blow the blues
And all that Jazz

Hold on, hon
We're gonna bunny hug
I bought some aspirin
Down at United Drug
I case you shake apart
And want a brand new start
To do that


I choose to only do two verses, and then sit down again.

"How are you not out of breath now?" Ned says, incredulously.

"Experience," I chuckle, "I've been dancing since I was 3, singing since I was 5, and performing professionally since I was 6, so..." I roll my head and neck, stretching it out, and it clicks and clunks a lot.

"That's impressive," Zach says, "So did you do like high school and college and shit, or just?"

"Well, I went to a stage school, so you do like, ballet and tap, but also contemporary and acro, and gymnastics, singing, performing, stage makeup, hair, all that sort of stuff."

"It's quite intense," Mike adds, and I nod, "I started when I was 10 and realised that theatre's what I want to do."

I continue to stretch out my aching joints as the three talk.

"Y/N? What do you do in your free time? Like, hobbies and stuff?" Zach asks me, while Ned and Mike chatter away.

"Oh, I don't get much free time, with rehearsals and shows, and I generally do at least an hour of ballet and tap a day, and if I have spare time after that, I cross-stitch or I go to a cafe or book shop."

"Do you..." He pauses, clearly thinking his next words over, "I mean, you don't have to say yes, and you probably don't have time for me, but-" 

He's cut off by Ned, suddenly shouting that they need to leave. We all say our good-byes and I head home, wondering what he was going to say. I'll have to look them up when I get home.

A/N: This is quickly turning into a full story, if someone could please tell me if they think I should continue it as a story, or try to wrap it up here?

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