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Sakura's resolve to press on only lasts a half hour, if only because Nature makes a more convincing argument than Comfort. Darkness falls sooner than expected, and they are forced to find shelter.

As the winds grow strong enough to press the travellers up against the sharp, icy façade of the mountain, Sasuke spots a cave almost obscured by rock and snow. Even luckier, it is large enough that all four of them can fit comfortably inside without infringing on each other's personal space. Having had to sleep crowded against Naruto on at least two occasions lately and subjected to his kicking, Sasuke is more than relieved about this.

Once inside, Kakashi uses his magic to erect a barrier of fire, offering both protection from enemies and the frigid gusts of wind. As the blood flows back into Sasuke's fingers and toes, the mage conjures a small fire. Meanwhile, Sakura takes on the undesirable job of fashioning a small latrine at the back of the cave.

"That's all we need is for one of you to wander out to take a crap and fall off the side of a mountain," she says cheerfully.

Sasuke doubts any of them will make use of such a thing unless they are snowed in here for days. Then again, dwarves and humans have such odd notions of hygiene and propriety he cannot be entirely sure.

While Sasuke lays out their gear and armour to dry near the fire, Naruto digs about in their supplies to put together a warm meal.

Though meal is being polite, Sasuke thinks with a grimace.

"I do not understand how you people can eat this," he mutters, the complaint escaping him before he can stop it. He was taught to consider food no more than fuel, but after weeks of the same paltry fare he has lost patience. "Do I even want to know what it is?"

"I think it was lamb at some point," Sakura says, accepting the makeshift bowl of tasteless noodles and jerky from the human. "But the texture...isn't one I'd normally associate with lamb."

"Beggars cannot be choosers," Kakashi replies mildly, shrugging one shoulder.

"What are you guys talking about?" Naruto asks, slurping down his share. "This is so much better than that frilly stuff we had back at the castle! I hate food I can't pronounce. And this stuff never goes bad. I bet if we packed it away, it'd still be good to eat fifty years from now!"

Sasuke stares at him in disgust. "I cannot even tell if you are joking or not."

"He is not," Kakashi confirms, examining what is left of their rations. "I am rather sure these are from supply caches that have not been opened since the Storm Age. They were old before I stole them from the Circle of Magi."

"And...I'm done," Sakura says, offering her still-full bowl to Naruto, who cheers and adds the share to his own. Sasuke is tempted to do the same, but as it might be construed as a kindness to the human, he refrains. "What about you, Sasuke-kun? You didn't eat like this where you grew up, right?"

As always, she is trying to find out more about him.

"No." He intends to leave it at that, but when she gazes up at him beseechingly, a follow-up question clearly on her lips, he elaborates: "Simple fare. Bread made from seeds. Milk from our halla. Vegetables."

He tries not to lick his lips at the mere thought of tomatoes. It has been so long since they had a decent meal.

"Halla?" Sakura repeats, confused. "Is that a kind of animal in Oto?"

Sasuke tenses, realising his unconscious slip.

"Not necessarily Oto," Kakashi answers for him, eyes widening in understanding. "Halla are creatures like horned stags. The Dalish consider them to be noble companions." He raises an eyebrow. "I had wondered about the markings on your face, Sasuke. They resemble none of the tattoos that the House of Crows use...but I have never seen that particular vallaslin before, either."

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