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Sasuke is not especially concerned with humans killing humans, but children are children regardless. They are too young to commit the crimes of their elders. No one who kills children should be shown mercy. He understood that as a boy when he was forced to bury the infants of his clan with his own tiny hands.

Much as he wishes to walk into their Chantry and fire every arrow in his quiver until they all die gasping, these monsters might have information the Warden needs. Though tempting and necessary, destroying them might invalidate the entire damned trek up the mountain.

"Sakura," Sasuke prompts when he is within a few paces of her.

She glances back, eyes blazing and her entire body still bristling with fury. Something in his own gaze must penetrate though. For several seconds they stand in front of one another, and then her shoulders slump and she sighs as if ceding the point of argument to him. He wonders, not for the first time, if dwarves can read minds, because her ability to divine his thoughts without him explaining himself is uncanny.

"So, now that we're not all murder-happy," Naruto says as he and Kakashi catch up, "should we sneak in around the back?"

"The building is cut out of the mountain side, there is no way around the back unless you want to climb through the trees," Sasuke replies.

"No. We're not walking on eggshells here," Sakura determines, slowly swinging her axe upward to rest across her right shoulder. To the unsuspecting eye it would seem as if she is simply stowing her weapon while they travel. Sasuke knows from experience that it just makes it much easier for her to swing on a moment's notice. "We may have to show mercy, but we won't do it quietly. The whole problem with this place is the quiet."

Kakashi and Naruto nod in solemn agreement, and the four of them set off the rest of the way. Upon reaching the Chantry, Kakashi waves a hand and the heavy iron and wood doors push open.

The shemlen temple looks the same as every other such building that Sasuke has ever seen, although it is perhaps draughtier than most. He has never understood the human need to be entombed within stone walls and arches ceilings, especially when the gods are already within nature.

The party strides up the centre aisle of the nave, and Sasuke casts keen eyes over their surroundings. The aisles of the Chantry are shrouded in darkness, but he easily makes out four armed soldiers lingering in the shadows. Up in front of the chancel, a crowd of people are gathered—fewer than he expected to be here. Eight villagers, judging by the homespun clothing, one of them a woman holding tightly to a little girl. The woman shakes with the resolve of someone acting against their instinct, and the child seems fearful and suspicious.

The wooden handle of Sakura's axe creaks as she tightens her grip on it.

Finally, standing on a step above the people is an old man with thickset eyes and a turban. He wears a rough version of the Chantry robe Sasuke has seen on the male clerics of the human faith and holds a staff that Sasuke suspects is not decorative.

Another sign that something is wrong. Given the Chantry's fear mages, one of their clerics would not be a mage.

The gathered crowd are either unaware of uncaring of the newcomers' approach. The man in the turban is gazing up at the vaulted ceiling, waving his arms as he speaks.

"We are blessed beyond measure! We are chosen by the holy and beloved to be her guardians. This sacred duty is given to us alone! Rejoice, my brethren, and prepare your hearts to receive her!" He raises his arms in benediction. "Lift up your voices and despair not, for she will raise her faithful servants to glory when her..."

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