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By some miracle, Sasuke does not give in to temptation and shoot Naruto in the back as they wander, which is just as well. After another turn of the corner, they end up walking into a larger chamber with two new paths. One leads down a set of stairs while the other—

"You two realise that sound carries around here, right?" Kakashi muses as he and Sakura materialise in the hallway opposite them. "We have been listening to you two griping at each other for at least ten minutes."

Sasuke scowls.

"Aw, come on! You mean this place meets back around again in the middle?" Naruto complains.

"Looks like," Sakura says, glancing at the new hallway that branches downward. "I guess this passage leads to another lower level, and the grand door we're trying to open will bring us to the mountain." Her eyes rove over Naruto. "What happened to you? Looks like you went three rounds with an ogre."

"Something like that. It was awesome, Sakura, you should have seen it!" Naruto boasts. "There was this thing, sort of like a...hm, a druffalo but a lot meaner, and with horns and scales and—"

"Sounds like a bronto," Sakura says, giving Naruto an admiring look. "We used them to move heavy loads back home. They can be gentle, but the Carta and the nobles bred them to be savages. They'll trample any stranger they encounter, so you two are lucky to be alive."

Naruto rubs his nose. "Well, I'm that impressive."

"You still reek," Sasuke interjects. "Did you two find anything in your search?"

"Sort of," Sakura suggests, holding up a faded, ripped piece of vellum. "We found a storage room with a lot of useless junk, but I nicked this off a skeleton. Based on where we've been, looks to be a map, and I think this—" She indicates a square-shape, "—might be an armoury or vault. Maybe barracks? I bet we'll find something more useful soon."

"And if not?"

"If not, we go back to that door, I open it, and you three go on," Kakashi says.

"We'll find something," Sakura insists, and the others know better than to argue with her.

Their group reunited once more, they descend the stone staircase and meander through more underground passages and rooms.

Sakura was not wrong about there being all manner of items down here. Satchels of rations and healing herbs, as well as a plethora of keys which appear to open every door but the one they need. It is an exercise in frustration that has even Sakura's optimistic demeanour wavering.

Then come the rooms with the traps.

Flames shoot up at them through pressure panels in the floor, and tripwires send projectiles flying at them. Twice Kakashi must yank Naruto back from iron vices hidden beneath false debris, which snap shut with the force to break bone. Sakura also nearly ends up prey to a sleeping poison before Sasuke pulls her out of the way, catching her around the shoulders when she wavers.

Their eyes seek each other out, and she telegraphs a silent thanks to him before he releases her.

It is slow going after that, as between Sakura and Kakashi they try to decide how to navigate or disarm the blighted traps. There is no opportunity to rest once they escape that chamber, because almost the moment they enter the next corridor, they are assaulted by more cultists. Wave upon wave hurry forward to deal with the interlopers, forcing the small outfit to pause in their progression and deal with them. They barely have time to recover before another drove arrives.

Every new corridor brings more of the same until Sasuke wonders if they might not be fighting the unkillable dead. It is a monotonous, exhausting pattern: enter a new hallway or chamber, give a cursory examination that no one has mortal wounds, and prepare to fight the next wave of cultists.

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