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Author's Note: All recognizable dialogue comes from Dragon Age Origins. Anything else is mine.


"Well," Sakura says when it becomes clear the Guardian does not intend to return. "We didn't come all this way only to leave now."

"I am not even sure we could even if we wanted to," Kakashi says, and when the others display confusion, he points at the door through which they just passed. It has closed, and there is a blue sheen of magic rippling over it. "The only way out is through, I suspect."

"Who cares about that?" Naruto says. "We've just dealt with a dragon, what could be wo—"

Sasuke's hand snaps out, covering the human's mouth. "Fenedhis! Do you mean to jinx us before we even get started?"

"Yeah, Naruto, don't tempt fate," Sakura complains.

Naruto pulls away from Sasuke, shoving him roughly and sulking. "Sheesh, I didn't mean anything by it..."

"This place is ancient and eldritch," Kakashi says. "I would not be surprised if the very walls are enchanted, so watch even your words if you must."

They exchange wary glances and start forward—there is only one way to go, after all.

The archway they walk beneath leads to another old chamber, which at first glance appears to lead off into several directions. As they step farther into the space, it becomes clear that they are domed alcoves instead of pathways; at its end, a door. Fog and dust line the ground, and as they approach the centre of the room, shapes swirl into being within each of the eight alcoves.

"Ghosts," Naruto hisses, holding his shield closer to him as if it will defend against such things. The apparitions are colourless and without mass, and yet they hold shape as they hover in place, staring vacantly into space.

Gingerly, Sakura takes a step forward. Sasuke half expects the beings to attack them, but none of them move, not even as she crosses the hall and heads for the door.

"There's no handle or key here," she announces, glancing back at the others.

"It would seem our new companions might hold the answer to this conundrum," Kakashi suggests.

"Great. Breaking and entering advice from ghosts," Sakura sighs and approaches one image. "This is so creepy..." She stands before the ghost, that of a young woman with wide eyes and whose hair is held back with a strange headpiece.

"Er...how do we open the door?" she asks.

"The smallest lark could carry it, while a strong man might not," the apparition whispers. "Of what do I speak?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Naruto demands.

"That is not the right answer."

"!" Sakura cries out in dismay, but the ghost's sudden keening wail almost drowns her out.

The shape vanishes in a burst of bright light. In her place, four swirling masses of dust whirl up in front of them, formless except for torsos that open onto their insides, ribs and intestines lined with jagged teeth. Clawed arms lash out at them, forcing the party to jump back.

"Ash wraiths!" Kakashi shouts, as one of them wafts forward, slashing outward with its clawed arms at Sakura. She jumps back, but instead of landing in a crouch, her foot slips in the moving dust behind her. She tumbles backward. The other creature slams into Naruto, who only just blocks the attack with his shield, while the two remaining wraiths charge Kakashi and Sasuke.

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