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The storm continues through the night and into the morning, persisting long after dawn's first light. The members of the outfit sit in silence, distractedly playing cards or dice as they wait for the sharp wind to subside and the sun to pierce the constant cover of clouds.

When the blowing snow and ice subsist, but still does not give way to light, Kakashi ventures from the cave to scout their surroundings. His magic affords him the ability to transform into a creature more inclined toward frigid temperatures, and with senses more useful than a human's.

"Too bad he can't cast that on us," Naruto grumbles. "I wish I had a fur coat right now..."

"With our luck, we would end up stuck as forest creatures with him forgetting to undo the spell," Sasuke points out.

"I guess..."

"Don't be so critical. Kakashi's a talented mage," Sakura says loyally. Off their unimpressed expressions, she goes on to admit, "When he's not getting distracted by every old lady or black cat crossing the street."

While waiting for the mage to return, the three of them continue their game of Wicked Grace, though it is only out of habit. For whatever reason, when the three of them play, the game always ends up in a three-way deadlock. Sakura and Sasuke are equals in strategy and Naruto appears to have the luck of the gods; Sasuke would accuse him of cheating if it were not for the fact the other man cannot lie to save his life.

A shadow lurks in the entrance of the cave, and they all glance up at the giant bear that looms over them. The beast gives a deliberate shake of its shoulders, knocking thick deposits of snow off, and then begins to shift. A moment later, Kakashi stands there, appearing mildly disgruntled.

"The way is somewhat clear," he tells them. "It is not the best condition. There are snow drifts everywhere, and the wind is still like a knife. But we will be able to see more than a few feet in front of us."

"Oh, great. So, if we're about to go over a cliff, we'll at least be able to see the way down," Naruto complains.

"No sign of any temple, though, cursed or otherwise," Kakashi continues. "It will be just our luck if we end up having the climb the whole mountain before we reach it."

"This Kaguya person is more trouble than she is worth," Sasuke mutters.

"Well, the legend does say the temple is at the very top of this peak," Sakura says with a shrug. "The odds of us finding it soon are a fool's hope."

They make quick work of packing the rest of their gear before bundling themselves once more against the cold. Kakashi bewitches several small stones to emit a comfortable warmth, setting them into their gloves and boots, and then they are off.

Just as the day before, wind slashes at them like a Suna raiding party, coming from every direction and without warning. Luckily, it is not laden with snow or ice anymore, or they would be blinded. Still, the whites of Sasuke's eyes freeze if he opens his lids beyond a squint.

Kakashi was not joking about the snowdrifts, either. They are high and unyielding, forcing them all into an ungainly march that has Sasuke's calves and thighs burning at the repetitive movement.

The shortest of their party, Sakura has the worst of it, though she does her best to soldier on. Despite her efforts, she slows them down even just following behind the taller men. Deciding they will be stuck out in the cold that much longer if they wait for her, Sasuke grabs her pack and tosses it to Naruto. Before the man can question it, Sasuke then orders Sakura to clamber onto his back.

"What?!" she demands, face red in a manner that is more embarrassment than the assault of cold on her cheeks. "N-no, I'm fine, I can manage—"

"You will manage to get left behind and lost," he informs her gruffly. "Gird your pride for another day. When we are in Iwa drinking your dwarven liquor. For today, I want to get out of this weather."

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