Surprises For Days

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        It's been TWO LONG MONTHS since I talked to Chris last and I'm not gonna lie; it's been hard

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        It's been TWO LONG MONTHS since I talked to Chris last and I'm not gonna lie; it's been hard. All I've been doin' was tryin' not to stress too much since I'm pregnant and that's hard to do when the love of your life hates you and won't talk to you unless it's about the clothing line you have together because you betrayed him in the worst way and on his BIRTHDAY of all days! I pretty much let him run into London's arms and out of mine and I regret everything! On top of that, Darnell, the baby's father, hates me too since to him I was a one night stand since he has a girl who he wants to propose to and I fucked that up by getting knocked up.

        Well not my problem, he's the one that cheated on her and if he loved her enough he wouldn't have done it. Yes I know I cheated too and the same goes for me which is why I can say that. Ugh, it always ME who ends up getting involved with someone and then somehow fucking their lives up at one point in time. If I could try and make things right I would but there's no way that I can. I'm not with Chris anymore and when this Paris chick finds out I'm pregnant with her man's child, they won't be together either! 

        Wait... Paris looks real familiar; she kind of looks like... SHIT she does look like London! Did I REALLY sleep with her twin sister's boyfriend and get pregnant by him?! This CAN'T be happening to me! It's obvious I didn't like London so I should be happy about this but I'm not; I'm scared as hell! If she or Paris find out about this then I'm DONE for and so is Darnell! How could I miss that and not notice it sooner?! Talk about STRESSING when I shouldn't be! Now is definitely NOT the time for that, my next appointment in a week and a half is THE appointment, I'll be able to see if I'm having a boy or girl and I'm excited!

        The one thing I've always wanted to do along with being a model was be a mom and I'm a little more than halfway to the day I get to fulfill that dream and see my bundle if joy. Yes he/she was created in a bad situation but I love my baby to death and I wouldn't change a thing since I have them no matter how scared of those twins I am. With that said, I pull out my phone to call Chris. One of these times he HAS to answer me! I sigh when he doesn't then send a much needed text to my baby daddy; he needs a reminder about my appointment so he can be there and I'm prayin to God Paris doesn't see it and find out.



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