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A strangled gurgle comes from my throat. I open my eyes. The headache I had was still here but this seemed like a different sort of pain. The sort of pain you'd get from-

"Drinking! You've been drinking!" A voice shouts. I open my eyes fully and my eyes focus on a tall man. He had greyish hair and dimples.

Again, I find myself in a state of shock. I remember being at the hospital with those nurses and... That boy?

"Uh..." I try to stand up but I loose my balance.

The man rushes towards me and holds me up.

"Jin, you should know better than any of us that drinking isn't the answer." He sighs and sits me down on the couch. He stands in front of me crossing his arms and staring intensely at me waiting for a reply.

"I... I don't remember-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Of course you don't remember, look at how many bottles there are!" He kicks one and it smashes. I jump and he rolls his eyes.

"I'll clean this up." He walks off to where I assume to be the kitchen leaving me alone with my messed up thoughts. I put my head in my hands and try to figure out what's going on. I look down at my clothes. I was no longer wearing the hospital gown. Just a simple black shirt and blue trousers.

The man walks back in with a dust pan and brush.
"You're taking this pretty hard aren't you?" He asks not clarifying what he meant or looking at me.

I just stare at him. He stops cleaning and looks at me.

"There was nothing you could of done." He says lifting the corners of his mouth trying to smile but it looks like it's causing him pain to do so.

I'm so confused, I need to ask him who he is... I must be Jin, but why can't I remember anything?

"... Who are you?" I ask keeping the eye contact.

He just stares back at me wondering if I'm joking or not. "What do you mean. It's me Namjoon, what are you talking about?"

Namjoon? I don't recognise that name at all.

"Namjoon. I don't remember anything, it's not because of the drink." I say point at the bottles.

"Jin-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Why was I in the hospital? Is it because I have amnesia or something?" All my questions start to spill.

Namjoon just stares at me. "Can you say something! I am freaking out here! I don't remember anything apart from being in a hospital."

"Are you being serious?" His face changes and he looks startled. "You haven't been to the hospital? As far as I've known you've been here at this hotel ever since the accident." He explains finally breaking eye contact.

"What accident? You just said I wasn't in the hospital." I say starting to get frustrated.

"You weren't in the accident..." He trails off.

"What do you mean?" I say getting emotionally and physically exhausted by all this. "What happened?"

"He died." My heart stops. Namjoon's eyes start to get watery. He takes out his phone and scrolls through something.

"Jungkook." He turns his phone to me and shows me a picture of 7 boys. It seemed like we were at a beach we were all smiling. He the zooms in to a younger looking one, he must be the youngest.

"He was in a car accident, it was a hit and run." A tear slides down Namjoon's cheek. He wipes it away and coughs.

I examine the picture more, I don't know who any of these people are. I recognise Namjoon. Then I see me. I was smiling, holding the camera taking the photo of us all.

"When was this?" I ask my voice trembles.

"One week ago." He replies letting his hand drop while the phone was still in his hand.

"What day is it today?" I ask breathless. "It's Wednesday..." He replies.

I nod. I get up and look for the bathroom. "I need to clean up..." I shout. Namjoon doesn't reply.

I get into the bathroom and slam shut the door. I look at my reflection. I looked like a complete mess. I look down at my hands and notice a faint red tint along with some faded scars.

Thinking it was because I was getting heated from this I wash my hands to cool them down. To my surprise the redness starts to come off and mixes with with the water going down the plug hole.

I step back and step on something wet. I turn around and look down. I see a white shirt soaked in a red liquid. My heart starts to race banging against my rip cage. I knew it wasn't my blood.
Abruptly the sharp pain I'd experienced at the hospital was back, this time it was more intense than before. I scream in pain as the pain surges through my head. I collapse to the ground as my eyes start to close the last thing I see is the blood soaked T-shirt.

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