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I drifted aimlessly through the ceremony. I'd been staring at the picture of Jimin for almost ten minuets. It was a close up of him but the picture was taken the time we were all at the beach. Although in my mind I didn't really know him I was still grieving. He didn't deserve this. I noticed he was acting odd. I could've saved him but I was to wrapped up in my own situation to see he was clearly in need of some help.

I was told that Jimin's parents couldn't make it due to issues with work however Jimin's brother was here. He was the same age as Jungkook he stood at the very back on his own. He didn't approach any of us but apparently he looks exactly like his older brother.

The ceremony was over as quick as it had started. Taehyung had offered me food but I turned down his offer. I couldn't eat, I couldn't drink.

I'm about to leave but I bump into someone.

"I'm sorry..." I trail off as I make eye contact with the boy in front of me.

My heart stops for a second as my brain immediately identifies this man as Jimin.

My mouth drops. I'm about to say so think but a strong hand grips my shoulder.

"Jihyun, I'm so... So sorry for your loss." I look to my left to see Namjoon.

Jihyun gives a small smile. "I'm sorry for your loss as well." He repeats.

I catch my breath back feeling reassured under Namjoons touch.

"If there's anything we can do for you please contact us, Jimin was such a lovely friend and brother to us. We're all going to miss him dearly." At Namjoon's words Jihyun starts to let tears fall down his face.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye.." He mutters almost incoherently.

Hosoek and Taehyung join us. Taehyung embraces the younger holding him tightly.

"None of us did..." Taehyung voice sounds deep and broken.

'I hope this is all a dream... Better yet, this feels like a nightmare. I need to wake up properly from whatever this is. I don't understand what this means. I must know these people outside this horror story, with no memories other than when this started I'm completely lost.' I mentally sigh.

"We should go home, will you be okay?" Hoseok rests a hand on Jihyun's shoulder as Taheyung lets go off the younger still holding his hand.

"I'll be fine, I'm staying with a friend here in Seoul until tomorrow. I leave for Busan early." He tells us wiping his tears away. His face changes and he looks more reassured. "I'm glad my older brother had friends like the six of you." And with that he walks off.

We watch him walk away as we're all left in the hall. No one says a word until the silence is broken by Taehyung.

"Jungkook?" He shouts looking around.

It doesn't catch the rest of our attention until he raises his voice.

"When was the last time we saw him?" Yoongi asks roughly undoing his tie.

"... When Jihyun's brother gave his speech?" I reply trying to think back.

"That was more than an hour ago. How could none of us of noticed he'd disappeared!?" Taehyung raises his voice.

"He couldn't of gone far.. Maybe he went back to the dorm?" Hosoek suggests.

Yoongi and Namjoon nod in agreement. "Yeah that's probably it." Yoongi shrugs.

Something wasn't sitting right with me. I feel like someone is watching me. "Why don't you guys go back to the dorm incase he's there... I'll stay here and look around." I suggest not paying attention to the glares of the other men.

"But you're our ride..." Hoseok reminds me.

"Let's just call a taxi." Namjoon says.

They all walk out of the hall leaving me alone. I could still feel the intense glare of an unknown person. I'm frozen in place. My breath hitches and my heart begins to pick up.

I hear the creek of footsteps behind me. The hairs on my neck stand up and my hands start to shake at my sides. I hear faint but ragged breathing. Fear possesses my body and I'm paralysed unable to move.

"You must be pretty confused huh?" A deep voice coos. "Well, this was part of our deal... But you're messing up once again. How many times will you repeat this cycle? How many times will you watch your friends die?"

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