E l e v e n

653 56 29

I was stumbling around for ages. I'd gotten in the way of a few cars and I bumped into a few people along the way. Memories of previous times I'd spent with the boys were slowly coming back to me. As I recalled all of these happy memories I subconsciously lead myself somewhere.

By now the sun was at its peak in the sky. I looked up and shielded my eyes form the glare. As I looked down I realised I was somewhere familiar.
I look over the railings of the bridge and close my eyes deep in a mindless thought.

I hear no cars. No birds. No bystanders.... Not witnesses.
It was a quiet day, almost like my best friend hadn't just killed himself. I've never felt more hopeless throughout these recent days. My chest felt heavy but my head was light. Words came into my mind but nothing was making any sense. A soft wind blows moving my hair out of my face. I lower my head and take in a long shaky breath.

I stand on the edge of a bridge. Just like he did. Hot tears fall down my face and my body starts to shake in adrenaline from what I'm about to do. I'm about to jump. What was the point of living when they're all dead? I couldn't save them, we were cursed. And this curse wouldn't let there be any survivors. I was the last survivor and now it was my time to die. To be washed away in the water beneath, there will be no one to mourn my death because they're dead. I close my eyes and take one foot off of the bridge.

"Hey, lets make a deal."

I stop shaking as I almost fall. I slowly turn around and there stands the same man dressed in black. His face still covered.

I start to get a weird sensation.

"You're probably feeling strange am I right?"

I look at him.

"That's called Déjà vu." He says mockingly. "Oh, you might wanna get down from there... You accidentally fell one time and that was a mess." He laughs a sinister laugh.

I hesitate for a second on whether or not to listen to him. But for some reason I felt like I should comply.

I slowly get down so we're face to face.


"I'm tired of this now. As I've said before, you've been doing this for too long but you haven't accomplished anything. At the end of this all your friends still die and you're left on your own." I try to figure out who this guy is.

"...How do I save them?" I ask weakly.

He stares at me blankly. I then come to a realisation.

"How long have I been doing this?" I ask my voice coming from an unknown source.

The man turns his head to an angle and narrows his eyes. "I've lost count."

I pause gathering my thoughts recklessly and for the first time things start to come together.

I...I can't save them can I?" For the first time I look at him. Properly. I look right into his eyes. They looked familiar. "Regardless of how many times I try to save them I can't... Can I?"

The masked man lowers his head and takes off his mask. He drops the mask to the floor and takes a step closer to me so he's an arms length away.

"Where there is death there will always be death." I take a shaky breath in and let him finish.
"As your soul was about to be collected it exploded. Nothing like that had ever happened before. Your soul didn't just explode it split in two..." He trails off he unzips his jacket to reveal a jumper it's covered in blood.

"You... You were at the beach." I stutter taking a small step back.

"Who... Who are you." I whisper.

"Your soul split into two..." He lifts his head slowly. The first thing I see is his eyes and then his familiar nose, lips...
"And I was created."

I step back again and hit the barriers of the bridge. My breathings starts to speed up.

He smirks. "I'm you, when your soul split it created me."

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