T e n

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Nobody makes a sound. We're all captivated by the beautiful sunrise. Watching the sun slowly rise calms me down and momentarily makes me forget about the predicament I'm currently in.
I hear the snap of a camera and jump.

I jump awake. "Sorry, did I wake you?"

I sit up in the car seat and wince at the bright light streaming through the car windows. I sit up and look around. I was in my car. Next to me sits Taehyung. He seemed calm. He just took pictures of the sky.

I look out the window and instantly recognise where we are.

"The last time we were here... It was with all seven of us." Taehyung puts down his camera and turns around to look at me. "... And we're the last ones left."

I stare at him hardly. "Where's Hoseok and Namjoon?" I ask slowly.

Taehyung stares back at me. I can't quite read his face.

"What do you mean?" He finally says turning around fully to face me.

"Hyung... Namjoon and Hosoek are dead."

My pupils dilate and my bottom lip starts to quiver.

"H-how?" I whisper.

Taehyung looks down. "Hoseok overdosed on his antidepressants and Namjoon..." Taehyung breaths out harshly. "He got drunk... He lit a cigarette at a petrol station... He—"  I put my hand on Taehyung shoulder.

I can't find any words to say to comfort him. "Anyway, we decided to come here to remember them all, come on ."

Taehyung lets my hand drop from his shoulder and gets out of the car slamming the door. I sit there for a few minutes .

"Dead?" I mutter to myself. I then remember something.

"—You won't be able to save them if you keep wondering around aimlessly." He explains.

"I did exactly that... And I couldn't save them..." I mumble.

I realise Taehyung had got out the car so I do so as well.

I look around but I can't find him anywhere.

I walk towards the sea. It was beautiful, the water shimmered. Waves crashed against the side of the pier. I felt almost at peace... Almost.

I hear a loud creak to the left of me. I slowly turn around and scream.

"T-Taehyung, what are you doing?" He doesn't hear me so I shout a little louder.

He's climbing up a ragged wooden structure. It didn't look safe at all and it looked like it would collapse at any minuet.

Fear starts to build up. I bring up all my strength and yell. "TAEHYUNG STOP!" Taehyung finally gets to the top and stops looking down at me.

"I-I can't do it anymore I know I said I'd be strong but I can't. They're gone... They're not coming back." He doesn't even wait for a response. He gives me one last sad smile and walks towards the edge.

Underneath the structure was the sea. He was very... Very high up.

"No... NO! Taehyung don't do it don't leave me!" I scream but he ignores me.

He takes another step towards the edge and the whole structure shakes. Taehyung stops. I hope that he's changing his mind so I start to relax. Suddenly Taehyung runs and jumps off of the structure I scream. He falls in slow motion. I hold my hand out like I was about to grab on his arm. But he falls slowly...

My vision goes black and all I hear is a splash.

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