N i n e

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"Can you check his vitals please?" An unfamiliar voice says.

My head was spinning and my throat was dry.

"Hello, can you hear me?" A bright light is shines into my eye.

"Hey, lets make a deal." I instantly sit up. I take in my surroundings. The air felt hot, and there was a bright light flashing. I realise that it's a fire engine.

"Please lay back down you're in shock!"

"YOONGI!" A familiar voice screams.

Two firefighters walk out of the burning building  holding a stretcher with a body on it. I gasp when I see Hoseok and Namjoon try to run over to the stretcher only to be stopped by police.

"The building could explode any minuet you can't go any further!" One of them warm struggling to hold the two back.

"You've got to lay back down!" Hands roughly push me back down onto the ground.

"No.. no!" I scream pushing the man off of me and getting up to my feet.

Namjoon turns around and spots me. He stops fighting against the fireman and drags Hoseok over to me. I wobble but Namjoon steadies me.

"What happened!" He shouts.

"I-I don't know." I shake my head.

"You were in the building as well you're covered in black smoke, what HAPPENED!" Hoseok yells at me shaking me.

A paramedic rushes over to me and a policeman follows pulling Hoseok off of me.

"Sir you've got to come with me and get checked out in the ambulance." She pulls me over to the van and I follow leaving Hoseok and Namjoon in despair.

I sit down and a woman gets an oxygen mask and puts it over my face. "Do you know what day it is?" She asks.

I shake my head. "Do you know where you are?"
I shake my head once again.

"You're probably concussed, I think you need to go to hospital." I shake my head and pull the mask down.

"What happened!" I demand.

The woman tires to put the mask back over but I stop her grabbing her hand.

"Sir—" She begins but a policeman interrupts.

"Kim Seokjin?" He asks. I just stare at him.
"I need to ask you a few questions about what happened here tonight."

"Can't this wait?" The parametric asks.

"I'm afraid not. We can do a little interview here." The policeman looked very serious so I oblige.
"What happened?" He pulls out a notebook.

"...I don't know, I can't remember." I mumble.

"Let me brief you. A fire was started about 30 minuets ago at this warehouse. A man passing by saw the flames and called the emergency services. We found you just outside unconscious. Inside we found a young man, Min Yoongi I think his name was.—"

"Was?" I whisper looking at the officer.

"Did you know him?" He asks me.

I nod. "Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you but I'm afraid he died from smoke inhalation. Now—"

I stare at the officer but I can't hear anything he's saying. His lips move but no sound comes out.

Yoongi... Is dead?

I shakily stand up and all the sound comes back.
"Do you—" Before he can finish I push past him and walk off towards the other ambulance.

I ignore the yelling of the paramedic and policeman. Hoseok and Namjoon are stood outside of the van. Hoseok is crying but Namjoon has a straight face.

"Y-Yoongi, h-he.—"

"He's gone, just like Jimin... Just like Jungkook." Namjoon says with a monotone expression.

My hands continue to shake. "Seokjin. What happened?" Namjoon asks keeping his voice quiet.

I stare at him letting tears fall down my face. "I... I-"

"WHERE IS YOONGI?" Taehyung screams pushing pass the paramedics and jumping into the ambulance.

The three of us run to the entrance of the ambulance to see Taehyung just standing there. He's staring at something.

"Tae..." I whisper.

"He's dead... He... He's really dead." Taehyung's hands shake as he gently puts the sheet back over his face. He's ushered out of the ambulance and it drives away.

Taehyung puts his face in his hands and starts to sob. Hoseok puts an arm around him to comfort him.
Staring at them both my heart starts to ache.

"What's happening to us?" Namjoon asks shaking his head looking at the floor. He looks at me. "Promise me you won't leave me." I look at him. The sincerity in his eyes makes me look away in guilt.

"I promise." He gives me a small smile.

"We should go home..." I nod. "Taehyung? Hosoek? We should go." They break apart and walk off.

"Did you bring your car?" Namjoon asks me.

I shrug. "It's over there." Hoseok calls we all walk towards it.

As we get closer my heart rate picks up.

"I... I am so sorry...Jungkook."

The sound of his name makes me jump.

"What's the matter?" Namjoon asks looking concerned.

I look at the car. The same car I'd hit Jungkook with. I left him there. I didn't even wait for the ambulance to come before I left.

"I'm sorry." I whisper shaking my head.
"I'm sorry..." I repeat again my whole body trembling.

I slowly sit down. Namjoon calls Hosoek and Taehyung over.

"Something is wrong with him. He won't stop shaking or mumbling to himself." Namjoon informs worry plastering his face.

"It's my fault he's dead. Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi... I killed them all." Tears are heavily falling down and I can't catch my breath back.

"What's he talking about?" Taehyung asks putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I-I don't know... Seokjin, none of this is your fault." Namjoon reassures.

The same pain in my head is back again.

"No. NOT AGAIN." I yell.

"What's wrong with him why is he shaking like that!" Namjoon yells trying to steady me.

The pain almost becomes to much. The pressure builds up until I can no longer take it.

"Hey. Let's make a deal."

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