Where is He?!!

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After school

"KYAAA!!!!! Ichijo-senpai!!"
The fangirls(plus one Ruka-obsessed-guy) are doing their daily duty (i.e. screaming at the ethereal students from night class).

"Hey...Where's Aidou-senpai?" "I don't see him too..." "Is he sick?!" "Kyaa!! Idol-senpai wait for me!! I'll nurse you back to health!!" "Hey! That's my job!" "No! It's MINE!" Before the girls start to fight, Zero step out to stop them. "All of you! Back to your dorm instantly! Or it's a week of detention and toilet cleaning for you!" Zero shouted at the group of girls. Ichijo-noticed he's the only one on duty.

"Umm... Kiryuu-kun?" Takuma asked, a little nervous since the prefect is emitting a dark aura. "What?!" Zero said gritting his teeth. That damn albino disappeared as soon as the school bells rang. He didn't even talked to Headmaster about where he's going to!


"Headmaster! Where's that damn guy?!" Zero banged the poor door open with enough force to break it. Cross Kaien looked up from his nap.
"Which guy?" He asked sleepily.
"Who else other than that new guardian you trust so much!" Zero is feeling super duper annoyed,no he's downright pissed. Some guy came up to him while he's dozing off and said that girls are trying to climb up the Moon dorm's wall. And when he asked about Kure he was told that Kure walked out of the school since the bells rang. And now he's stucked with the duty. Alone. The girls are so annoying! Kaien just calmly sipped his cold coffee which was forgotten earlier. It's amusing to see different emotions passed through Zero's face.

"Where's he now?!" Zero asked again.
"Who knows. He didn't tell me." Kaien shrugged nonchalantly. A vein popped and before Zero could say anything Kaien continued "but I'm not worry about him. He can take care of himself and he has a reason for everything he does. Don't worry. He'll probably be back tomorrow evening at most. Now go back to work my beloved son~" Kaien quickly shooed Zero out of his office.

'Akira... what're you thinking going out at this time....' Kaien thought to himself. 'Hm..... Didn't he say something at lunch break? Meh -_-  I'm sure it's not that important~ Oh maybe I'll make dinner today!'  The absolute disaster of kitchen thought to himself again. Oh Cross you're dense sometimes...

*Flashback Ends*

"Um... Nothing" Ichijo hesitantly said. The Prefect looks like he's going to kill him. Of course he didn't worry about that, there's too many human near them right now. But he worries for the life of whoever succeeded to make this shot tempered hunter more
...well.... Short-tempered. He's kind of hoping the Prefect will answer him with the glare he's used to. But this. The back aura and downright pissed face kinda make him regret of his decision. Kain was hoping to see Kure but he's not here. So maybe he went to look for Hanabusa. Kain hope Hanabusa has gone off to the town to eat sweets like he usually do and not more. Looking by the Silver-haired Prefect foul mood, the albino didn't tell anything and just go off on his own. Akatsuki only wish his cousin didn't do anything stupid this time too......

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