Chapter 3

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I quickly got the lawn mower out and tried to start it but, for whatever reason, it just wouldn’t start. I started to shake. I didn’t want to have to go back in the house to face my old man. I tried everything but nothing seemed to work. I looked up for a split second and saw my neighbor, watching me from the other side of the small white fence we had splitting our properties up. She looked away quickly when our eyes met. Of course being me I said to her…
“What the fuck you lookin’ at, huh?”. She quickly responded by saying…
“Not much really… Not my fault you were making all that noise over there… and for what? Cause you couldn’t get your lawn mower to work?”.
She rests her arms over the fence as if she had been talking to me for hours. I looked at her in disbelief. No one, and I mean NO ONE, had the guts to talk back to me like that… well… except for my old man of course. Before I could even open my mouth to say something, she had hopped over the fence instead of just walking around it.
“Out of the way, bud” she said in a stern but calming voice.
She pushed me aside and made one swift motion to make the engine on the lawn mower start roaring.
“You’re welcome” she said.
“Fuck off!” I replied and started to push the mower to the grass.
She stood there for a little probably to make sure that I didn’t need her “help” anymore, then walked back into her house. I couldn’t focus on just the lawn after then. I mean, WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS! The thought of her showing me up made my blood boil. Guess I would just have to put her in her place next time I saw her sorry ass.
I finished the lawn in about 30 minutes then headed back into my house to find that my little sister was hurt.

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