Chapter 7

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Standing in my doorway, was a non-sober jackass, holding my 10 year old sister by the back of the neck. You could clearly tell she was in distress by the look on her face alone. Who could hurt their child and not feel guilty about what the did. I guess this son of a bitch that was supposed to be my father figure.
“Let her go” I screamed at the top of my lungs cracking my voice in the process.
He threw her down. I was still sitting in my chair. I got up and rushed over to Amy laying flat on the floor. I didn’t know what to do to help her. I didn’t know how long my dad had been home or what he had done to her. All I knew was that she was on the floor, hurting. I wish I could take her spot. I wish it was me laying on the floor in front of her feet and not the other way around. I wish my mom were here. I wish I had the balls to take Amy and myself away from the awful place. I wish I had the guts to beat the shit out of him right then and there, but I don’t. I couldn’t do anything but kneel next the her side and tear up. He left without a single word. He didn’t even try to go after me. He wasn’t affected by anything the he had just done. He didn’t care. That night, we went to bed without dinner. Amy slept in my room shearly because I didn’t want to leave her side. What a fuckin’ day...  

CompilcationsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora