Chapter 9

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A long time ago, before my mom died, my family was whole. We spent most of our time together, as a family. We never fought or argued or anything. We were happy all the time. There was never a dull moment when my mother was around. We were always smiling, always laughing. I remember the day that we all went to six flags. If you don’t know what six flags is, it’s an amusement park that has a water portion and a roller coaster portion. We went there for my 5th birthday, the year before my little sister was born. The year before my mother died… It was a happy day. We rode on roller coaster, ate yummy sweets, and told funny jokes all day long. Then we went over to the water portion of the park and raced in the lazy river, splashed around in the wave pool, and went down some water slides. They got me everything that I asked for that day. We took so many pictures that by the end of the day, my face was hurting because I had been smiling so much. It was a good day that I will never forget. One of the last good days that I vividly Remember having with my family…

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