Chapter 10

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After my 6th birthday, my baby sister, Amy, was born. She was born bright and early on a monday morning. My mother died giving birth to her. She died while we were trying to take a picture of her holding Amy. She wasn’t even alive long enough to name her. Believe it or not, my mother’s name was… Amy. My father named her after my dead mother. Amy didn’t even get to meet her. My mother was the most important person to me and still is to this day. I will never be able to forget her no matter how many people walk into my life. She was my everything. She was the sun to my rainy day. She was the costume to my halloween. She was the stars to my night sky. She was my hero. Even when my mother was around, I was never really fond of my dad. I was always a mama’s boy. My dad started going downhill about a week after my mom’s death. He never watched after Amy. He always passed her off to me. He never wanted anything to do with her because she was a constant reminder of my mother to him. He soon became lazy and stopped going to work For a short amount of time, we lived on the streets. Times where harder than ever. Amy was only about a year old. It was the middle of winter. I was freezing because I gave my coat and what little clothings that I had, that I could live without, to Amy to keep her from freezing to death. She was the only real family that I felt like I actually had. My dad held a sign up made from cardboard that he had found at the back of a dollar tree to make a sign that said “UNABLE TO AFFORD FOOD FOR FAMILY. NEED MONEY TO PROVIDE FOOD FOR MY 6 AND 1 YEAR OLD.”. Nothing could fix the situation that we were in. No matter how much money people gave to us, it was never enough. He didn’t use the money to feed us either. He used the money to fuel his new found drug addiction. I was lucky enough to find a women that I went to everyday that provided food, clothing, and water for me and my baby sister. I refused to go inside her home even though she offered an accountable amount of time for us to do so. My dad was way too drunk to notice that me and Amy had different clothes on everyday. After about a month of accepting help from this woman, she decided to follow me and Amy back to where our father was located. Amy was too young to walk so I carried her everywhere that I went. At the end of the trial, the woman found a malnourished man sitting up against a run down building. Having not showered for weeks, the place smelled awful even though we were still outside in the cold. He nose was bright red like something you would have seen in a movie and his shoes torn up. She, not long after, pulled her phone out of her purse and dialed 911. They took me and my family to a hospital where we were treated for frostbite and other sorts of diseases. They didn’t remove me and Amy away from my father. The woman decided to take us in under her wing and give us a place to stay until my father could care for us on his own. I was back in school and Amy was now in daycare instead of me watching her. My dad had found a job not long after the nice lady took us in, as a Lowe's cashier. Money was coming in and we were no longer struggling. After about 2 years of being in her care, my dad had enough money to by the house that we have now. I was 8 now and my sister was 3 and things were really looking up for us. My dad was still employed and was making a decent income. I was now in the first grade and I was happy. Then bad news hit...

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