Chapter 11

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    My dad was at work, I was at school, and my little sister was at daycare when the awful news struck. While my dad was at work, he had received a phone call from the local police station saying that he needed to come down to the station as soon as possible. He didn’t have a phone so the called Lowes itself and he didn’t have a car so he had to walk. When he got there he was told that he had to identify a body. The nice lady that had taken us in, was in a fatal car crash and sure enough, it was her. Our world fell apart, once again. Her house was ransacked not long after and everything was repossessed. After that, he stopped showing up for work and eventually got fired. He somehow managed to keep me in school and my sister at daycare though. In his words he said that he didn’t want to be bothered by me or her. A year passed and I was now 9 and going into the second grade and Amy had just turned 4. With Amy still in daycare, I had to pick her up on my way home from school. My dad couldn’t be bothered to get off his lazy ass. He became a drug dealer not only to make money for himself but so it would be easier for him to get a hold of the substances too. That’s how he made his living now. Selling drugs. Things around the house got worse. Nothing seemed to be getting better anymore. It all went downhill from there…

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