Prologue: Bullied

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This is my first Fanfic so I apologize in advanced. In case this is your first X Reader:

A/N = Author's Note

Y/N= Your Name

L/N= Last Name

E/C= Eye color

H/C= Hair color

H/L= Hair Length

F/C= Favorite color

please enjoy my (probably) bad writing


(Third POV)

(Y/N) (L/N) has been bullied every since she was young, but recently it has gotten much worse, Everyday is something new and she's tired of it. She is powerless against these bullies. no body cares enough to help her. She has no safe place.

(Your POV)

I woke up from another awful nightmare this morning about my biggest bully, Gaku. I checked the time on my clock and decided to start my dreaded morning routine. It's not that the routine was "bad," it just meant that I had to endure another day of torture. I washed my face, got dressed, did my hair, etc. "You can do this (Y/N)," I said to myself more or less lying. "I'll be back" I said to my empty apartment like I always do. " Just keep your head down and hang low," I thought to myself as I left my house and started walking to school.

As soon as I got to school the first person I see is none other than Gaku. "Great," I say as I put my head down and head for my home room, but before I could I heard that deep voice that scared me anytime I heard it. "Well well well, if it isn't (L/N), where do you think your going?" Gaku said smirking. God I hate him! "T-To home r-room." Crap I stuttered. He noticed this and said, "aww is someone scared? I'd be scared too if I had no friends or anyone that even remotely like me. Poor little (Y/N), it must hurt to not be loved." With that he bursts into laughter. " Leave me alone," is all I managed to say. " What was that? It seems you've forgotten who's the boss around here" Before I had time to process his words I felt something hard hit my face as the pain floods in. He punched me. I looked up and see him ready to hit me again but luckily the bell rang. "we'll finish this later (L/N)" he said as he walked away and tears filled your eyes.

Instead of going to my Home room I head straight for the nurses. Maybe if I ice it now it wont be that noticeable, I thought. I got to the nurse office and took a seat while I waited for the Nurse to finish giving a kid medicine. When she finished she turned to me, her eyes immediately fell on my, most likely bruised and or swollen, cheek. She motioned for me to sit in front of her. As I did so she asked me what had happened. " I fell and hit my cheek," I decided to lie. telling her what actually happened wouldn't have changed anything. she told me to be more careful and nurse things like that as she put a bandage on the area and handed me ice. I nodded. "You can hang out here until home room ends and then head back to class, is that alright with you?" I told her yes and thanked her before I went to lay down on one of the cots. It was still early so I was the only one there. I spent my free time thinking about how I would escape Gaku when school ended. I decided to just run straight home from the moment the bell rings.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the bell ring and the nurse signaled for me to leave I got my stuff and went to class. Academically, school was easy for me. I'm what most people would consider 'highly intelligent' but I'm quiet in class so my teachers don't take much notice to me. I space out a lot during class, but I finish and do good on all of my assignments so nobody cares. I had finished my work early and was spaced out when I heard the dismissal bell ring. I quickly put my books up and dashed for the door, as I did so, I heard my teacher call my name. Of course, I think, getting out right away would have been to easy! " Yes, Sir?" I respond. He was talking to me about a test or something. To be honest I wasn't paying attention. Instead I was thinking how I was going to be beaten if I didn't get out of this soon. After about 20 minutes or so he thanks me for "listening" and lets me leave. I walk a out onto the school grounds with my head down. That is until I feel someone grab my wristed and hold them behind me back. I still don't look up, I know exactly who this is, it's one of Gaku's "friends." "what's the matter (L/N)? Are you scared? Look at me!" Gaku said as he pushed my chin upwards making me look up at him. I spit on his hand. Apparently he didn't like this. he kicked me in the stomach and I could no longer breath. Gaku than turned to his friend and said, " Let her go, now that your injured I'll pity you a little. I will give you 10 seconds to run, after that if I catch up you should say a prayer." This was his mistake, I am a fast runner, However I'm hurt and can't breathe. I wont be able to make it home. I will have to stop somewhere and hide. The boy let me go and I ran. Each stride or breathe caused me excruciating pain, but I couldn't stop. My ten seconds was over. I had made some good distance, but he would catch up soon. I need to hide. All of the sudden I see a building that wasn't closed, a skating rank. I used the last of my strength to fling the door open and run in without thinking. Once I got in, I ran into something or someone but I couldn't tell what. The pain, stress, and running was getting to me. Everything went dark. I fainted.



Oh my gosh! I finished the first chapter and I'm proud of how it came out. Yurio will be in the next chapter I promise. I will start working on it right after I post this one because I'm bored. Anyways, I don't expect to get any reads, but if you do read this please give me feed back on  the story so far.


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