Chapter 8: The Post p.2

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Yuri seemed to not be zoned out so i just decided to play around with my new phone. It only had a few apps, I'm assuming which automatically come with the phone. I open up the app store looking for some games that look interesting that i can play when I'm bored. One app that pops up right away on the home section of the store is instagram. Yuri told me not to comment on that post but just making an account wouldn't hurt right? I install the social media app and set up my account just using my name as the user, not bothering to add a picture. I go to the explore page and there it is, Yuri sprawled out on top of me

Wow it already had 900,000 likes and a bunch of comments as well! I click on the comment section and theres alot of "aww cute" and "congratulations @yuriplisetskyofficial" and things of the same sort. I keep going and then i see it. A plethora of hate comments. Things such as "shes so ugly" and calling me terrible inappropriate things. Im a little taken aback by how aggressive they are but these are all things ive been told before so it doesn't bother me much. That is until i see one comment by a user named "@numberone.yurisangel" saying "i cant believe this w***e has the audacity to force herself onto our precious Yuri! Having someone like that around will only get in his way and cause trouble for him!!Like if you agree"

Is it really true that i get in the way...? That was never my intention but i guess it kinda is true. Even the other day everyone stopped practicing just to deal with Gaku. Maybe I should go back to my appartment, i hate to cause them trouble when they've been so kind to me.
"(Y/N)!" I hear Yuri call out to me. I must have zoned out as well.
"What? Oh sorry just got distracted," I respond not meeting his eyes.
"You're shaking, are you okay?"
I look down at my hand still holding my phone. It was true my hands were vibrating under the device. "Im fine! Just a bit chilly" i lie but he doesn't looked convinced.

"Let me see what you were looking at," he says quietly i can feel his eyes on me though i still refuse to meet them.
"I Assure you it's nothing dont worry!" I laugh nervously. He takes my phone from me and i let it happen, knowing theres no use in fights it. As he looks at my phone i can see his expression grow more and more irritated.

"You read a mean comment or something didn't you?" He questions me
I didn't know how to respond so I just nodded. He sighed and put my phone down. "Didn't I tell you not to look at the post?" he asked his tone was hard to distinguish. "Technically you told me to not comment on it, not-" He glared at me. "Okay, okay, yes you did." He was quiet for a moment, as if he were studying me. He shook his head and put his hand on top of my head then began to say, "Don't let them get to you (Y/N), okay? Fangirls are insane, they're just butthurt that there's a girl near me and its not them," he rolled his eyes at the thought. I gave a half hearted laugh.

"I shouldn't be surprised you're popular with girls" He turned away from me and went back to sounding annoyed "Shut up," he said. "Aren't you supposed to be sad or something." I smiled at him in response. "Nope, you told me that I shouldn't be so I'm not. You've cured my depression." He jokingly punched my shoulder. "Good I thought I was going to have to comfort you again" I could see a smile starting to play at his lips. "We wouldn't want that," I said sarcastically "or maybe you would"

I wasn't sure why I said this, it just kinda slipped out but I meant it in a teasing way it should be fine right? For a second I didn't think he was going to respond until I heard, "Tch, you cant prove that." As he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me a tiny bit closer. I responded very intelligently with "Uh what are you doing?" Its not that it was uncomfortable it was just a bit, strange? "Shh" Yurio said looking straight forward, "You're still sad" this confused me, I had just told him that I wasn't. Did he not believe me? "Im not thou-" he cut me off, "Yes you are." I was still confused but I didn't see the harm in playing along.

I moved my blanket so that it was covering both of us and rested my head against his shoulder. He was warm and comforting, even though I had just napped I felt like I could fall right asleep. "Say anything about this to that old man or pig and ill kill you," I heard him mutter under his breath. I smiled and gave a simple mhm before closing my eyes.

After a couple of minutes of comfortable silence, I had an idea. I reached for my phone and took a picture of us together. Yuri reacted immediately "Why the hell would you do that?!" I flinched a tiny bit but responded, "I don't have any pictures on the phone I thought it would be nice for the first one." I looked up at him, basically begging with my eyes for him to not make me delete it. "Tch, whatever," he said and shifted slightly under the blanket to get comfortable again. Im not even sure why but I thanked him and we continued our comfortable silence, just enjoying the closeness.

A/N Surprise! Im not dead lmao. I started this fanfic as a dare like 2 1/2 years ago and I despise it but to this day I get comments asking to continue it and I really do appreciate the support. Ask and ye shall receive I suppose.

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