Chapter 1: Meeting

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[Edit: I took out a lot of the sappiness so it doesn't feel as rushed and OOC as it originally did. I also made it a little more realistic.]

(Yuri's POV)

I had just finished practicing the routine Viktor had made for me when I see a girl with (H/L), (H/C) hair. She was running into the building and she looked desperate. I decided to ignore her and go home. Next thing I know, I'm on the floor and there's (H/C) in my face. This stranger was now on top of me. " Oi! What the hell was that?" I asked the girl, annoyed. She wasn't responding. " Hey!" I said as I tried to push her off of me. Soon I realized that this girl was unconscious and had collapsed on me. I lift her up bridal style, which isn't ideal to do with a stranger but I couldn't really just leave a limp girl on the floor. I rush to the Front desk area and tell what happened and they called an ambulance. I stood next to a bench and laid the girl on it.

The ambulance came and took the (H/C) haired girl. They apparently wanted me to come since i was the only one there when she collapsed or some shit. I was going to decline but when i looked at the girl and saw how helpless she looked, I agreed to go. Besides i was kinda intrigued to see what caused all of this. I decided to call Viktor to tell him where i was going since im supposed to be practicing, a decision I would most likely regret later...

(On the phone with Viktor)


Im going somewhere

Yuri! You never call me, I feel so honored!

Shut up and just listen to me old man

what do you need?

A girl passed out at the rink and i was the only one there so they want me to go with her for some reason.

Going to the hospital to see your sickly girlfriend? Of course thats a valid reason to miss practice! Im so proud of my son!! Love you.

Tch. Bye

*hangs up*

It didn't take too long to get to the hospital and when we did i was informed the (H/C) girl's name was (Y/N)(L/N). Once she was registered or however hospitals work they took her to a room and I followed behind silently. The hooked her up to an IV and some other stuff and then left. I took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram.

(Your POV)

I woke up but didn't open my eyes. Man, my head hurt. " Are you awake" I hear an unfamiliar, almost irritated voice ask me. I make a small noise in response as I open my eyes to see myself in a bed that is not mine. I realized I was in the hospital. I scan the room looking for the source of the voice. My eyes full on a blonde boy, around my age from the looks of it. " Who are you?" I ask, "Why am I here?" The boy looks at me, making a "Tch" noise then introduces himself, " Yuri Plisetsky. you ran into an ice skating rink and collapsed. I happened to be there so I the paramedics asked me to come. Are you okay Miss...?"

" (Y/N)," I say. " and I'm not sure, I feel dizzy." He looks at me for a while and then asks me why I was in such a hurry to get to the rink. Suddenly tears start forming in my (E/C) orbs as I remember what had happened with Gaku earlier. Yuri notices me crying and is now right next to me. Almost As if he was examining my behavior "What's wrong?" he asked with what I swear was a hint of urgency. "Why should I tell you? I don't even know you" I said. I didn't mean to sound rude or even say anything I just kind of came out. "Because I helped you by calling 911 and getting your sorry ass here." He responded, pushing back a piece of hair out of my face so he could look me dead in the eyes with a terrifying look.

I was scared that if I didn't tell him he would hurt me, so I decided to open up to him. I told him everything about Gaku bullying me. He sat there and listened to me, wide eyed. he didn't say anything until a few moments after I finished speaking. "Tch thats shitty. Do your parents know about this?" he asked.  "I live by myself. My parents went to France for their anniversary one year and never came back" More tears streamed down my cheek as I said those painful words. Yuri reached out his hand to touch my face. I trembled at the sight of someone bringing their hand near me. I was bracing myself to be hit but I wasn't. Instead I heard Yuri say "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise" as he wiped my tears. His touch was warm and gentle, but at the same time scary and rough.

Then I heard a knock on the door, it was the nurse. I tell her to come in and Yuri sits down again. "So miss (L/N), I understand that you live alone is that correct?" I nod. "Unfortunately you can't be alone at the moment, so you can either stay with someone or you have to stay here" This did it. I started to freak out. I've had bad experiences in hospitals but no one in my family likes me. Suddenly I hear Yuri speak, "she can stay with me if none of her family gives a damn." he says. I was taken aback by these words. " Is that okay?" she asks me. I look at Yuri. He half smirks at me. I debated it back and forth for awhile. I just met this man and now he's offering for me to live with him. He could be plotting bad things.

I finally decided that I would go with him. It may just be the fact that I really don't want to stay at a hospital but i feel like I could trust him. And if he does try something, well my life is already terrible why not add to it. the nurse tells me I should be out by the end of the day. "Thank you. Why are you doing this?" I asked him "Your welcome, and I'm doing this because i want to and thats it. You looked so helpless when you were unconscious and it pissed me off. If you don't want to go then-" before he could finish I interrupted him. "N-No! I'm really thankful for you doing this..... I hate hospitals. I'm sorry to be such a burden when you don't even know me" He shakes his head, "Tch its fine. Don't apologize" he said. "Will your parents mind?" I ask. "No. I don't live in with my parents... at least my real parents anyways. I live with two guys that think they are my dads for some fucking reason. They wont bother you though." I don't know why but I found this funny and started laughing so hard it hurt. "Yeah, very amusing" he said sarcastically. "I-I'm sorry!" I said, suddenly scared. "Tch It's fine, im just being sarcastic. You need to rest so they will release you. I'll go tell my "dads", I'll see you in a while" You nod and quickly fall asleep.

(Yuri's POV)

As soon as I see that (Y/N) is asleep I decide to call Yuri, not Viktor.

Yurio? What's up?

Can I have a friend stay at the house for a week or two?

It depends, who's the friend?

Her name is (Y/N) (L/N). She's in the hospital right now and the only way she can leave is if she stays with us

Aww, poor thing. Of course she can stay with us. When do you want me to come get you?

I'll call you when she get released. Please don't tell Viktor, he'll make a big deal out of it.

Got it. Well I have to get back to practice, just let me know when your ready to leave. Love you

Bye piggy

--Time skip to when you wake up--

(Your POV)

I wake up and feel a little better so I sit up and see Yuri on his phone. He notices that I'm awake and then speaks to me. "The nurse said that you can leave as soon as you wake up so are you ready?" I nod my head in response. "Can you walk?" he asks me, walking over to my hospital bed.

To be continued

Word count: 1474

Please let me know what you think. I'm not sure when the next update will be. Thank you for reading (If anyone reads)


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