Chapter 9: Teacher

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I was laying in my bed watching some skating programs on youtube. I had told Viktor I wanted to see some from my years without cable so he was nice enough to make a playlist for me.

He had included some from him, and both the Yuris which turned out to be my favorites. Who knew there could be so much feelings and emotion put into dancing on ice.

I found myself thinking about the past few days more than watching, however. The kindness the three guys had shown me, learning to skate, the drama with Gaku and that silly post on Instagram, it was a lot to take in.

But there was something else in the back of my mind, screaming for my mental attention. The way I felt being around Yurio. The overwhelming feeling of safety. The warm tingly sensation when hes hugging me or close by. His presence alone was able to calm me down when im upset. How relaxing his scent was.

I may not have much experience in social interaction but im not stupid, I can recognize what im feeling...I just refuse to acknowledge it. Hes helped me alot and i dont want to jeopardize that.

Speak— or think i guess— of the devil, there was a knock at my door that draws me back to the present. I pause my video and move to answer the door. On the other side i find Yuri standing there, leaning his shoulder slightly on the door frame.
"Hey," he greets casually, wearing a bored expression on his face.
"Hi," I respond, offering a soft smile, hoping it wasn't obvious I had just been thinking of him, "Everything alright?"

He rolls his eyes and nods. "Im bored so I came to see what you're doing." As he spoke and crossed his arms leaning further on the door frame.

"Oh okay, i was just watching that playlist Viktor made for me," I informed him leaving out the part where I pondered how nice being with him was. "Do you like any of them?" He asked causing my face to heat up slightly because yes i did and it happened to be his. I simply nodded instead of giving a proper answer.

He raised an eyebrow curiously at me "which one?" His brow furrowed slightly as he continued looking annoyed, "I swear to fuck if its one of JJ's or something else dumb-" I laughed briefly before shaking my head. "I really liked your Agape program." The small blush remained as I waited for him yo react. His lips spread easily into a slight smirk. "Oh shes a fan, im honored kitten, even though youd be dumb not to be," he teased.

"Shut up," I said though i had a smile on my face as I lightly elbowed him. "I just think it was really pretty" I forced an obviously fake pout which earned a laugh from him. "Fine, fine" he raised his hands in surrender. "Thanks i guess" I smile in reply.

When he spoke again he was looking away from me,
"Hey (Y/N), i had an idea." It was my turn to look at him curiously,
"Do elaborate," I prompt so he'll explain his idea.
"Tch, you're strange" he rolled his eyes at my phrasing but continued. "I figured after what happened last time you might not want to skate again right away but if you're still interested i could teach you some off ice"

Getting tired of standing I plopped back to sitting on my bed again. "Sure!" I responded excitedly, I saw the shadow of a smile on Yuri's face. "But how can you teach me without having ice?" I questioned genuinely curious as to what he had in mind. He rolled his eyes and tried to look annoyed but something told me he wasn't really.

He spoke with an even tone like the answer was common, "I can tell you what stuff is called and the idea behind how to do it, stuff like that" he shrugged moving over to my bed, looking at me as if to ask permission. I nodded and he sat opposite of me on the bed folding his legs under him.

"First is edges" he began. "Its not a skill but something every skater needs to know." He began to explain that there are 8 edges and where on the skate it would fall. He told me about some 'beginner' moves such as swizzles, snowplow stops, etc. it really was interesting to learn all the terms. Especially with how passionate Yuri looked talking about all of it.

"What about the jumps," I asked honestly just wanting to listen to him talk more. He cocked an eyebrow at me.
"You sure? You aren't bored or annoyed yet?"
I immediately shook my head "its all super cool and hearing you talk without seeming annoyed is really nice!"


The last part wasn't supposed to come out.

His fairly plain expression turned to one of shock for a spil second before he looked away from me, finding the floor very intriguing.
"Tch, whatever," he huffed. "But don't expect me to repeat myself when you get confused." I smiled, just happy that he agreed to continue.

That he did. He told me all the jumps that came to mind and what made them different. I wasn't exactly following but i got the gist of it.

"Wow I feel so enlightened who knew the angry cat would be such a great teacher," I smiled as innocently as I could manage. This should be interesting.

It was kinda cute-

"You," I responded still wearing a smile of false innocence. "You act like a cat and you always seem to be angry."
"I'M NOT A CAT!!" He practically pleaded
"I bet you like people petting your hair," i giggled my smile turning into a smirk

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD I-" he stopped when i reached out and stroked his hair. I was surprised to find how soft it was. When I realized he wasn't saying anything i quickly pulled my hand away.

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered out.
"That was too far! I should've have touched you without asking" he cut me off by rolling his eyes.
"God its not a big deal, its you so i dont care just stop rambling."
"Really?" I was practically giving him puppy eyes.
He rolled his eyes again and nodded— he rolls his eyes alot i wonder if it hurts.

I wasn't sure if my next question would be crossing a line but the worst he could do was say no, right?
"...Could i braid your hair?" I asked quietly hoping he wouldn't get mad.

To my surprise he just shrugged and said,
"If you want to."
I blinked a few times.
"Are you sure?" I asked, making sure I heard him right.
He nodded. "Mila insists on doing something with it practically every time she sees me so i don't care at this point"
"Okay then!" I cringed heard how excited i sounded.

He scooted closer to me and turned around so i had access to his hair, offering a hair tie he kept on his wrist. I took it putting it on my own before running my fingers through his hair, getting out small tangles. He almost seemed to lean into my touch, staying quiet as i began to intertwine the small sections to make a braid on either side of his head.

Just as i was tying off the two braids into a single ponytail Yuuri walked into the room holding a phone up to his ear.
"Yes Viktor, im sure shes still alive you're being dramatic, im checking right no- oh" he finally looked up at us looking a little embarrassed for intruding.
"What happened?? Is everything okay?" You heard Viktor from the other side of the phone even though it wasn't on speaker.

Yuuri ignored him, instead addressing us with a soft smile, "glad to see you to bonding"
"Bastard..." i heard Yurio mutter in front of me
"What's going onnn?" I heard Viktor whine
"Ill tell you when you get home"
"But Yuuuuurriiii~?"
"Love you," and with that he hung up and sighed.
He most have noticed my confused look because he began explaining
"He just went to the store he should be back in a few minutes, i swear he has separation anxiety," he said shaking his head.

Yurio scoffed, "like your one to talk piggy." Yuuri ignored him and continued,
"He insisted i check on you. Im glad to see you and Yurio getting along! How out of character of him" he chuckled.
I smiled, "I appreciate both your concerns, really it means alot to me"
He returned the smile. "Anytime," he said before leaving.

"Sooo, do you like the braid?" He felt his hair and nodded with a simple yeah. We sat quietly for awhile before,
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"You sure i cant kill those two?"
I rolled my eyes. "Im sure"

Im reverting to my 6th grade self, reading/writing wattpad fanfic to cope someone help dkmdnwn

Oh and yeah i started skating so i guess i can more accurately write about it

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