Chapter 4: Strong like you

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[Edit: once again i took some things out because it felt to rushed and too early in the story. Plz don't hurt me]
Yurio walked over to the table with two bowls of katsudon. He placed one in front of me and then took the seat opposite of me with his katsudon. After we said our thanks for the food (the thing they say in anime before they eat, I just don't know how to spell it lol) I looked down at it and remembered that Ive always had a hard eating since my parents left me, I guess I was so in the moment that I forgot about that. I started to shake and Yurio put down his chopsticks/fork when he noticed that I wasn't eating. "You can eat the food ya know." The blonde said. "Oh right," I mumble as I try to bring food up to my mouth. I couldn't do it. " What's wrong? Why aren't you eating Kitten?" he asked me with a calm face but there was an underlying tone of worry. "Ive always had an issue with eating, people say its because of childhood trauma." I explained to him. He simply sighed and got up, before I could ask where he was going he was going, he sat down right next to me.

"what are y-" he cut me off as he held my chopsticks/fork up to my mouth and said "Just eat" I opened my mouth and he fed me. A light pink brushed across my face out of embarrassment and my heart started to beat faster. What is this? Why do I only feel like this when he gets close to me? He eventually stopped and i looked away from him, still embarrassed and blushing. "Sorry but you have to eat." Yurio stated probably knowing I was embarrassed by his actions. I nod before I look up at him and meet his eyes. I don't know why but I was now sure of myself and confident with what i was going to say.

"I want to get better. I don't want to continue being the girl haunted by her past, the girl who cant stand up for herself , the girl who is pushed around. I want to be strong, I want to become strong like you Yurio!" when I finished he looked shocked by my words. He sat just staring at me for a moment. Almost as if he was trying to choose his next words "I want to help you become that person. I will do anything you need me to do to help you achieve your goal, but just know you are already so incredibly strong" I blushed and smiled at him.
Ive only known him for a day and I already feel so close to him. Am I insane? Should i even be here? We're practically strangers for crying out loud!! I guess it doesn't matter though... im content with where i am.

"(Y/N)?" Yurio saying my name snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I replied. "I have some free time at the rink before I have to actually practice. Do you want to learn how to skate?" he asked me. "You would really teach me?" I say surprised. "Why not, I have the time and its better than you sitting here at the house doing nothing while we are at the rink." he said with a slight smile. I excitedly thanked him and then went to get ready for bed, i didn't Get much sleep earlier and i wanted it to be tomorrow already.

-Time Skip to the next day right before they left for the rink-

Its almost time! I thought to myself as i pulled on a pair of black leggings and a (F/C) long-sleeved shirt. I tied a jacket around my waist and went downstairs to see Yuuri and Viktor standing by the door, most likely waiting to drive Yurio to the rink. "You're coming too (Y/N)?" asked Yuuri. I nodded "Yurio said he's going to teach me how to skate before his practice!" I exclaimed happily. Viktor gasped "Really? That's great! You'll love it!" i smiled in response as Yurio came down the stairs. "why are you just standing there?! Hurry up already lets go!" he said annoyed. "We where waiting on you" I giggled, earning grins and laughs from Yuuri and Viktor. "She got you there!" Viktor said between laughs. "Whatever! lets just go." huffed Yurio.

The four of us walked outside and got in the car. The drive was nice and quiet until Viktor spoke up, "Soooo (Y/N)-Chan, has Yurio asked you out yet?" He said with a wide grin. A blush spread across my face while I started choking on the water i had attempted to swallow. "W-what?!" I say once i stop choking. "Its not like tha-" I tried to explain but Yurio cut me off "THE HELL OLD MAN?! WHY WOULD I ASK HER OUT?" He yelled in annoyance.

"Why would i ask her out"

After hearing those words i got quiet. I don't know why but hearing him say that really hurt me. I looked down at my feet in sadness. I think Yuuri noticed my reaction "aw look what you did Yurio, you made her sad" he said with sympathy. "Shit" the blonde Russian said barely audible but i heard it. "That's not what I meant i just-Tch Viktor is trying to get on my nerves!" He said annoyed. "I think he succeeded" i said with a little laugh. Yurio flashed me a bit of a smirk before he went back to being annoyed.

"We are here" Yuuri informed me happily. We parked outside the rink and we all filed out of the car. "Are you excited (Y/N)-Chan?" Viktor asked me with a signature smile. "Mhm!" I nod happily. Yurio flashes a quick smile at me before that is once again changed by the older Russian. "Sorry you'll have to learn from Mr. GrumpyPants over there," says Viktor, "I would teach you myself but I have to work on new chorography with Yuuri." he looks over to Yurio to see his reaction. " WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ARE SORRY?! I'm a GOOD fucking coach!" we all laugh (except Yurio) as we enter the rink.

When we enter the rink we are greeted by some one at the front desk area thing where you get skates. "Hello Yuuri, Viktor, Yurio," the girl said as she finally saw me "New skating partner?"  She asked referring to me. "Hi Yuuko, this is (L/N) (Y/N), Yurio's friend. He has time before practice so he is going to teach her how to skate." Yuuri explained to the women behind the counter known as Yuuko. "Its a pleasure to meet you Miss (L/N)! I'm Nishigori Yuuko one of Yuuri's friends and a worker her. Do you have your own skates or do you need to borrow a pair?" she asked me sweetly. I laugh nervously "I've never skated before so I don't own skates" I state not making eye contact. "Its alright" she reassures me, "I just need your shoe size and ill lend you a pair" I tell her my size and then  she hands me a pair of skates, wishing me luck.

We get to the bench area and we all start putting our skates on. I get them on no problem until I realize, I have no idea how to lace skates. Yurio looks over at me and sighs. "Do you need help?" The Youngest male asks me. I look down in embarrassment
and nod. Yuuri and Viktor had already went to one of the rinks to start practicing. Yurio just sighs again and kneels down infront of me. "Pay attention while I lace them so you can do it next time" he informs me as he starts to hook and cross the laces. I make a mental note of how he does it. He finally finishes and stands up.

"Thanks Yuri" I say bowing slightly. He raises an eyebrow at me "So now you're calling me my name?" he questions me. I giggle a little. "I have before," I reminded him as I stand up as well, "I just call you Yurio so it doesn't get confusing with Katsuki." I smile at him "Whatever lets juts get on the ice" He starts walking towards one of the rinks and I follow him. Within a few seconds we reached the entrance to the ice. He steps into the rink and turns around to face me holding his hands out.  I shot him a confused look and he tch-ed at me "It's slippery and it's your first time so take my hand..." i swear i saw him blush a little. Must have been the cold air.

My hands meet his and i step onto the ice shaking like crazy. Yuri picked up on my shaking, "(Y/N) its okay. I've got you" I don't know why but with those few words he could always make me feel better.  I nod confidently. Yuri started to smoothly move backwards forcing me to move. "Lead with one foot and then copy the same movement with the other." Yuri taught me, "Start out slow and as you get more comfortable you'll naturally speed up" I did as he instructed me and I couldn't believe how well I was doing! Yuri was still guiding me to make sure I didn't fall but I felt like I had this thing down. Yuri meet my eyes "well done kitten, its like you don't even need me. Ready to let go?' he asked me. I replied with a simple 'mhm' and just like that he let go and moved aside. I started gliding across the ice effortlessly. I felt unstoppable!...that is until my blade hit a hole in the ice and I fell with the same amount of grace as a dying bird.

(A/N) if you guys were wondering this chapter was inspired by the song "Love Like You" from Steven Universe. When I named the chapter It was supposed to be the title of this song but now I realize i got love like you and stronger than you mixed up oops. Anyways I still included the song because i feel like it goes with the story.
Word count: 1664

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