Chapter 10: Date

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"A date?!" I practically yelled in poor Yuris face
He rolled his eyes and nodded, "a date." He confirmed.

Okay backup backup how did this happen? Get it together (Y/N). What lead up to this again?

I had just been sitting on the couch watching some funny Tv show with Yuuri. I hadn't seen the other two people that lived here in a bit but I didn't question it. I was enjoying myself laughing and cringing along with Yuuri. After the episode ended almost as if they were queued in, Viktor and Yurio emerged with Makkachin at Viktor's heel.

"(Y/N)!" He called getting my attention. "You and Yurio should taken Makkachin for a walk!" I looked at Yuri expecting him to yell at Viktor or roll his eyes and walk away but he didnt. He just stood there, looking at nothing in particular, with a sort of annoyed expression. I was confused naturally, but i agreed.

Viktor handed me Makkachins leash and with that Yuri and i were on our way out.

The first few minutes were filled with silence excluding when Makkachin would sniff a tree or stray leaf. It wasn't really awkward but i felt the need to speak and fill it.
"Sooooo, do you like being outside Mr Grumpypants?" I said the last part with a funny voice for emphasis.

He shot me a glare but when i just smiled he rolled his eyes and answered my question.
"I like it when its cool out but id rather be inside."
I nodded, it somehow made sense with his personality.

"Was there an ulterior motive to you coming here without a fight then?" I teased wiggling my eyebrows at the blonde.
I must have stared at him from a good minute because he sighed and looked me in the eye causing me to flush as i waited for him to respond.
"I wanted to ask you out on a date."

That brings us back to where we are now, me trying not to have a mental breakdown while Yuri stands there watching, along with Makkachin, who is probably concerned for my health. I felt like I was going to pass out from shock.

He waved his hand in my face "Earth to (Y/N)"
"Oh-I-uh-" was all I could manage to get out. He rolled his eyes and bent down to pet Makkachin.
"It doesn't have to be all cheesy or gross stop acting like a dumbass....Viktor thought it would be a good idea to help you adjust" he glanced back up at me.

"Oh," I looked at the ground. "It was Viktor's idea?" Okay i admit it i was a little disappointed but could you blame me? It had already been about a month since I started living with them it wasn't weird was it?
"Tch, yeah technically but I wouldn't do something if I didn't want to idiot." I looked back up at him not knowing what to say.
He spoke again, "Are you going to answer me or do you plan on us standing here all day?"
Oh right i never actually answered him.
"Id love too."

He gave a small smirk, "we should go back then so you can get ready."
I looked at him in utter disbelief. He meant tonight?! Why so soon i have no time to plan or process or anything!
"T-Tonight?" I managed.
His smirk never left his face as if he found this all very amusing stupid pretty boy.
"Yeah why not, its not like you have other plans."
I tried my best to glare are him.
"Ooo scary" he mocked making a scared face.

It was my turn to roll my eyes. "Shut up," I whined at him. "Where will we even go on such short notice?"

He ran his hand through his blonde locks before responding, "Theres this cafe pretty close by, its nothing special but its usually not that busy and their food is really good. We can go somewhere else if you want it just seems like something you'd lik-"

"It sounds nice" i cut him off smiling. "We can get to know eachother more in the process"
He took the dog leash from me and started walking back to the house.
"Be ready by 11:30," he looked back at me to make sure i was following and we made our way back to the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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