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You know what's fucked up? Going to your own funeral. 

It was, to say the least, gloomy. There were a lot more people than he expected. All his friends and family, of course, but even some people at school he'd only spoken a few sentences to. Even his mom came, which to him was an even bigger surprise. She didn't cry though. He didn't care.

He sat at the front, sitting at the base of his casket. He glanced around a lot everyone's faces, wondering how many had to fake being upset. His father, mother, and most of his friends sat at the front. Rich and Jake were hugging each other, Rich's face being hid in Jake's chest. It was easy to tell he was crying though, because his shoulders were bouncing jaggedly. Jake was crying as well, his head hung low over Rich.

Chloe and Brooke were next to them, both sobbing quietly into each other's hair. Christine sat next to Brooke, hugging herself and crying until Brooke looked at her and pulled her into the hug. 

Then there was Jenna, who, surprisingly, wasn't recording the event. Even though her and Jeremy weren't super close, she still looked torn up and devastated about his death. 

Next was Michael, who, surprisingly, hadn't run out of tears yet. He, by far, looked the most broken. His expression seemed shattered into a million pieces, like part of himself had died along with Jeremy. 

There were some people who weren't crying, and that was okay with Jeremy. He hadn't been close to most of them, so why would they cry?

There were vases of flowers by the casket. Jeremy stared at them blankly, thinking to himself about everything. It'd been a few days since he died, and he stayed with Michael the whole time. Michael didn't even know he was there, which sucked all together, but sometimes Jeremy forgot that he was dead and would start to panic if Michael didn't see or hear him.

He tried to place his hand on the floor next to him, but his hand hit a vase and knocked it over. He tried to catch it, but his hand went through. He braced himself for a crash that never happened, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that Selena had caught the vase and was setting it upright. 

Jeremy sighed in relief. "Thanks."

"No problem." She glanced around at some of the attendees, her eyes landing on Jeremy's mother who, other than Michael, was the only one to notice that the vase had been tipped over and set back up again by seemingly no one. "Who's that woman?"

"My mother." He responded coldly, pulling his knees to his chest. 

"Your mother? But... She isn't crying...?"

Jeremy shrugged, looking down. Selena frowned at him and sat next to him, staring at Ms. Heere. They sat in silence as Ms. Heere tried to figure out how the hell the vase did that. Jeremy looked at the hole in his chest. "Where did this even come from?"

Selena looked at him. "There was an iron bar sticking up from the ground under the bridge. I guess it was there for construction purposes. They removed it after you died."

Jeremy hummed in understanding and nodded. They stayed there for the entire funeral. He only half listened when people went up to say something about him. It was things he expected. "Such a great son, and wonderful friend." He smiled a bit when he'd hear something other than that. 

"He always listened when I talked to him," Rich blushed as he spoke, embarrassed by what he was saying. "I could tell him everything... Even some things that I wouldn't tell Jake..." Jake smiled at him through his tears. 

"I always thought he'd cheated on me because I wasn't good enough." Brooke reached up to wipe her eyes. "He explained that it was his Squip, and never stopped apologizing for it. He was always so sweet. He listened to girl's problems and helped us as if he had them too."

Jeremy chuckled at that one. It was true. A few more people went up, said some nice things, and it was almost over. He was surprised to see that Michael was one of the last people to go up.

"J-Jeremy was... i-is, to say the least... a-amazing." Michael said, looking down at the podium. Jeremy sat up a bit, watching him. Selena smirked at him, but he didn't notice. "He always seemed so happy and full of life. He always knew what to say to make me feel better, and when he couldn't, he'd sit there and hug me until I did." He smiled softly. "He was just so... great. He made me feel... alive." Jeremy blushed lightly, staring at Michael still. Michael looked at Jeremy's body. "People will tell me that he's in a better place... I'll have to believe them for now."

Michael sighed shakily and went to sit down. Jeremy felt tears in his eyes again as he watched Michael sit down. "Oh my god..." He choked out. 

Selena put a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"

Jeremy thought about lying, but instead he turned around and hugged her. She hugged him back, and they stayed like that until the funeral was over. As they were walking about, Jeremy heard his mom mutter something about it taking too long, about being surprised to see that Jeremy had so many friends. Jeremy rolled his eyes. Selena watched Michael get into his car, and looked at Jeremy. "You wanna follow him?"

Jeremy nodded, and they started walking to Michael's house. In the time Jeremy had followed Michael around, he witnessed a few bad anxiety and panic attacks. He'd always start crying and try desperately to hug him or something, but he never could. He just had to watch it happen and wait for it to end. He'd whisper things to him, but he knew he wouldn't be heard. 

Selena dropped him off at Michael's, then smiled, saying that she had to go. Jeremy nodded and thanked her, giving her a hug before she started to walk down the road. Jeremy went into the house, immediately going up the stairs into Michael's room. He saw Michael sitting on his bed, hugging Jeremy's cardigan. Jeremy smiled softly and sat next to him. Michael was staring at a bunch of Polaroids on the bed. Mr. Heere gave a bunch of Jeremy's stuff to Michael, saying that Jeremy would want him to have them. The Polaroids, and Jeremy's pastel blue Polaroid camera, had been part of the give away.

Most of the Polaroids were bored selfies Jeremy took on his own--him lying in bed with his tongue sticking out, wearing his boxers and a T shirt; him sitting in front of his wall that was covered in Polaroid pictures, fairy lights hanging around them, his back to the camera; him lying in some meadow that him and Michael used to visit, looking up at a bunny that had approached him in curiosity and smiling. Michael always seemed impressed with his photography skills. He could have been a killer photographer if he hadn't died.

In a box by Michael's bed were Jeremy's other belongings. There was a folded up curtain of fairy lights, a few sweaters, his video games and video game merchandise, and a bunch of other things. Michael seemed to like the cardigan the most. 

Michael piled the pictures up and set them on his nightstand, lying down to go to sleep. Jeremy didn't need to sleep--he's dead--but he still liked to lay there and pretend he could. Michael closed his eyes, though it'd be a few hours before he'd fall asleep. Jeremy looked at him, then down at the pillow, and sighed. 

"Goodnight, Micah."

Quest Failed.

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