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Jeremy watched him go limp, and his nonexistent heart dropped to his stomach. "No." He said. "No, no no this can't be happening."

He looked up from the ocean's floor. Red and blue lights were blurred by the water's surface. Jeremy would have thought it was cool to be underwater without having to hold his breath, but his feelings were all negative. If he weren't already dead, he would have contemplated suicide.

He glanced around and swam up, climbing out of the water and onto the doc. He looked around at the scene before him. It looked like when he had died, except his friends were there, and they were on and by the dock. Jake had to hold Rich back as a police man shoved Dr. Takahashi into a police car. A man ran past Jeremy and dived into the water.

Rich was trying to get out of Jake's grasp and get to Dr. Takahashi. "NO! LET ME GO! IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME, NOT JEREMY!! I'LL KILL THAT MAN!!"

Rich almost got away, and Chloe and Jenna had to help Jake keep him back.

Jeremy hugged himself. Christine was crying, being hugged by Brooke. A police officer was standing by them, holding the evidence Christine and Michael had found, trying to coax answers out of her.

"Jeremy," An extremely familiar voice said.

Jermey looked over, staring daggers at Selena, and speaking with pure venom. "What do you want?"

"I-- I'm sorry, Jermey. I didn't want to, but--"

"Then why did you?!"

"He offered me a way to speak to Evan!"

Jeremy paused. "Hansen?"

Selena nodded. "He's my cousin. I-I wanted to tell him that I love him, and that he'll be okay. But I lost hope too quickly."

Jeremy hummed, looking away from her and staring at his feet.

After a few minutes, Selena said, "I can help you."

"How?" Jeremy spat. "How could you possibly help me?"

The officer who'd dove into the water crawled out with Michael's body. Jeremy looked at him, and the want to cry was suddenly overwhelming. Paramedics rushed over and checked his pulse, yelling orders and attempting CPR. After a while, they decided that it was too late.

Selena hesitated. "Well... It's complicated."

Jeremy scoffed. "Okay."

"No, really. Once you die, your body loses sense of time. If you aren't paying attention, at least. I've been a ghost for a lot longer than you, so..."

Jeremy's now tear filled eyes widened. He looked at her. "Are you saying you can reverse time?!"

Selena shrugged. "Well, it's not as simple as that, but I suppose that's what you would call it."

"Really?!... Wait. If you can do that, then why didn't you go back to talk to Evan?"

"I couldn't bring myself to go back.."

Jeremy looked at her sadly, then wiped his eyes. "Coul-- Could you? I mean... Would you do that for me?"

Selena nodded and smiled softly at him. "Let's just say I'm trying to make up for being a literal asswipe... But I need you to do something when you go back."


She took his hands. "Speak to Evan for me. Tell him what I want him to hear."

Jeremy nodded. "I will. I promise."

Selena smiled at him, then brought his hands to her lips and kissed his knuckles. She dropped his hands. "See you on the other side."

Jeremy smiled back. "Til we meet again."

Selena snapped, and everything went dark.


Jeremy sat up in bed, sweating and panting heavily. He frowned. It couldn't have been a dream. That's such a cliche ending, it had to be more than that.

Jeremy checked his phone. It was Halloween.

His heart rate sped up. That was the day he died. But if he had really gone back, then...

He stood and ran to the bathroom, throwing his shirt off and looking at his chest. There was a small scar where the metal bar under the bridge had impaled him.

Jeremy smiled. It was real. Which meant he had to talk to Evan.

But it also meant that...

He rushed back into his room, pulling on jeans, a hoodie, and his Converse, before running out of the house and down the street. He stumbled a bit as he ran, panting hard, anxiety and adrenaline pumping through his veins.

"Please, please, please..." Jermey mumbled. Michael wasn't dead. He wasn't dead, so Michael couldn't be. Still though, the fear was there.

As he got closer to Michael's house, he saw the door open, and someone ran out. Jeremy teared up, beaming as he yelled out, "Michael!!"

Michael looked at him, crying out and running to him. Jeremy practically jumped into his arms. They hugged each other tightly, crying and grinning.

Jeremy pulled back, cupping Michael's cheeks in his hands, tears on their faces. "Michael!" He said, "You're-- You're back! You're okay, I can't believe it actually worked!"

"W-what worked?" Michael asked, unable to help the smile on his face. "The last thing I remember was drowning and hearing someone speak... Jeremy what did you do?"

"Selena helped me."


"She was another ghost, she helped me out. And then she betrayed me... But she did something! I-- I don't know what it was, but it worked!!"

"Fuck yeah it did!" Michael's hands moved quickly, squishing Jeremy's cheeks, squeezing his hands, fluffing his hair, anything he could touch without stepping a boundary, he did. "I-- I can... I can touch you, and see you, and talk to you, and holy shit this is amazing!!"

Jeremy laughed, wiping his cheeks off. He suddenly paused as a memory hit him hard.

"You KILLED the love of my life because he was brave enough to put a stop to it!!!"

The love of his life. If that was all real, then...

Jeremy looked up at Michael, who was trying to get his attention. "Jeremy? Are you okay?"

Jeremy didn't answer. He stood on his toes, arms wrapping around Michael's neck and pulling him lower into a searing kiss.

Michael was paralyzed. The kiss was so sudden, Michael didn't know how to react.

Jeremy slowly pulled away, looking up at him. "Um... Sorry..."

Michael took in a breath. "Sorry? I don't think you understand just how long I've wanted to do that." He smiled and kissed him again.

Jeremy laughed and kissed back, then pulled away and gasped. "Michael. If everything went back to the way it was before I died, then that means..."

Michael stared at him, not fully understanding. Until he realized, and his eyes widened.

"Takahashi is still out there."

New Quest: Start over.

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