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Michael hovered over Christine's shoulder, watching her write and rewrite the Japanese characters onto a piece of paper. She read them over a few times and let out a sigh. "Michael..."

"What? You can't read it?"

"No, I can, but I can't get much information out of it without the other half. I got his first name though."

"Great!" Michael exclaimed, "What is it?"

"Kaito. The only problem is, that's a really popular name in Japan."

"Shit," Michael hissed. "Any other information about him?"

"Well, from what I can tell, he didn't want anybody to be able to figure out who he is. See, he scratched out his picture and last name." She pointed at where the ID had been scuffed up, and then ran her finger over where the card had been broken. "It feels like it was cut with scissors."

Michael hummed in thought, staring at the card with frustrated fixation.

Jeremy, who'd been simply listening in on the conversation, suggest out loud, "Maybe the New Jersey Driver Services office can figure out who's it is?"

Nobody reacted, and he reminded himself, once again, that he couldn't be heard. He sighed and reached for the pen that say next to Christine on the desk. He wrote his suggestion on the paper.

Christine looked at the paper and glanced at Michael. "Maybe."

Michael shrugged. "It's all we have right now. I'm gonna try it. You wanna come, Chris?"

"Sure. You might need me to translate something."

Michael nodded and went out to his car. Christine got in the passenger side, and Jeremy phased through the door to sit in the back. Michael Christine buckled in.

"Jeremy," Michael said. "Tap the window once when you're ready."

Jeremy tapped the window, and Michael started the car. It was about a fifteen minute drive. Christine tried to lighten the mood by playing show tunes. Michael smiled, and the two sang along to Hamilton and Mean Girls.

Christine reenacted Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise), and her acting was so good that when she was finished, Michael and Jeremy were looking at her worriedly.

"Chris...? You okay?" Michael asked.

Christine looked at him innocently, tears on her cheeks. She cleared her throat, wiped her eyes, and smiled, chipper as ever. "Yep!"

Jeremy chuckled. "That's Christine for you..." Of course, no one heard him.

Michael laughed nervously. He was suddenly very afraid of Christine's acting abilities.

They pulled up to the NJDS and hopped out of the car. Michael mumbled to himself as they walked to the doors, planning out and reciting what he was going to say. As the were about to walk in, Michael took a deep, preparational breath.

Christine plucked the ID from his hand and walked in. "Don't worry. I'll do the talking."

Michael sighed with relief, walking in after her.

Christine walked up to the counter and placed the broken ID onto the counter. "Hello! Could you run the ID number on this?"

The worker glanced at the ID, then at Christine, raising an eyebrow.

"I want to return it to whoever lost it." She said simply, as if she knew exactly how the person would react.

The man simply stared at her. "Why would they need this back?"

Christine crossed her arms. "Well, I'd like to think having all the information would make it easier to get a new one. Can you read this?" She gestured to the card.

"Um," The man looked at it again. "No."

"Exactly. So please, could you run the ID number?"

The man nodded and began typing. "Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am."

Michael and Jeremy both stood there, slack-jawed at how well Christine had handled that.

No wonder Jeremy likes her so much. Michael thought to himself.

They waited for a few minutes while the man typed in the ID number and printed out a sheet of paper. He handed it to Christine, and she took it, along with the ID card. She thanked him kindly, turning to Michael and beaming.

Michael chuckled. "Nice."

"Thanks! Let's go!" She took his hand and led him out of the building.

New information aquired!

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