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Michael walked quietly, looking over his shoulder every few minutes. Jeremy kept a firm hold to his hand. He didn't have to hold Michael's hand, it wasn't that hard to follow him. He wanted to though, and he had an excuse, so he did.

Jeremy wasn't sure where they were going. He knew what they were doing, but there had already been an investigation. Of course, the investigation was faulty, since they concluded that Jeremy had killed himself. With that thought in mind, he firmly believed that Michael could do a better job than those assholes did.

They stopped on top of the bridge. Michael pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight, searching around the bridge for anything interesting. Jeremy did the same on the opposite side. He didn't need the flashlight. His "body" seemed to emit it's own glow.

As they were looking, Jeremy heard a voice that he hadn't heard in a while. "What are you doing?"

He looked up at Selena, who was watching him with soft eyes, her hands behind her back. Jeremy smiled and stood up. "Hey. It's good to see you."

She smiled back. "Good to see you too." She glanced over at Michael, who was focused on the floor. "Is he okay?"

"Oh," Jeremy looked at Michael as well. "Yeah. He's doing better. I learned how to touch him, so now he knows I'm here."

Selena nodded. "Good job. Are you gonna answer my question?"

"Huh? Oh, we're just looking around."

"For what?"

Selena was interrupted when Michael suddenly yelled out, "Jer! I found something!"

Jeremy ran over and put a hand on Michael's shoulder to show that he was there. Michael was holding half an ID card. It'd been broken somehow.

"How the hell did they miss this? It was stuck between the metal and this concrete thing."

It could have been a chair, but Jeremy knew that the concrete was part of construction. He reached out and took the broken ID from Michael. It was in Japanese, and even if it was in English, Jeremy knew he'd be confused.

Michael hummed in frustration. "I don't know how to translate this. If we could just get the name..."

Jeremy thought for a moment. They didn't know anyone who spoke Japanese, did they?... Jeremy then got an idea and gasped. He shook Michael to indicate that he had an idea.

"What the fuck? What is it?" Michael chuckled.

Jeremy looked around for the notebook and scrambled to pick it up. "Christine!" He wrote.

Michael read it and rolled his eyes. "Just because she's Asian doesn't mean she knows Japanese, Jeremy."

Jeremy sighed and wrote again. "No, idiot. She's taking Japanese. She has an A in that class, we could ask her to help us."

Michael smiled as he read the paper. "I didn't know that. C'mon let's go ask her!"

He grabbed his bag and stood to run off. Jeremy grabbed his arm to stop him and wrote something down, shoving the paper to Michael. "It's 4 AM. She's asleep."

Michael nodded. "Alright, fine, I'll talk to her tomorrow."

Jeremy let go of his arm and took his hand. Just before they left, he turned to say bye to Selena, but she was gone. He frowned and turned to follow Michael back to his house.

"I'm coming!" Said a cheery voice from inside.

Michael and Jeremy waited outside of Christine's house. It was around 10 AM. Michael couldn't fall asleep, and Jeremy didn't need to sleep anymore, so they came over as soon as possible.

Christine opened the door and smiled up at Michael. "Michael! Hey!"

Michael smiled back. "Hey, Christine."

"Come on in!" She stepped aside, and Michael walked in with Jeremy on his tail. Jeremy was slightly disappointed when Christine didn't say hi to him, but then he remembered that she couldn't see him. "What brings you here?" Christine's chirped and closed the door.

"Oh, I, uh..." Michael hesitated a bit.

Christine smiled sadly at him. "How are you doing? You holding up okay?"

Michael was confused for a second before realizing that she was talking about Jeremy's death. "Oh! Oh, uh, yeah, I'm... I'm okay. Thanks."

She nodded. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah, actually, um," Michael pulled out the ID card and handed it to her. "Can you translate this? Jer--" Jeremy hit Michael's shoulder. "Jake! Jake told me that you take Japanese! And I, uh-- I don't know Japanese, so."

Christine nodded. "Okay, but... Where's the rest of it?"

"I don't know. I found it on the bridge."

"Oh!" Christine looked up at him and lowered her voice to a whisper, even though they were the only ones in the house. "Are you looking for clues?"

Michael blinked. "How did you know?"

"Please, Michael, I'm not dumb." She smiled, her voice back to normal again. "Jeremy can't have killed himself. I mean, if he did, I wish I could have helped him, but he didn't show any symptoms of depression or suicidal thoughts or actions or anything. He never even made jokes about it. If you ask me, I think he was pushed."

Michael stared at her. "Really? Cuz, um, I think the same thing. That's why I'm looking for clues, like you said."

Jeremy was glad that Christine didn't really believe he'd killed himself. She was always really smart, but he still worried.

"Can I help you?" Christine asked cheerfully.

Michael paused. "Um... One moment, can I use your bathroom?"

She nodded and pointed him to the bathroom. When Michael entered, he locked the door and whispered, "Jeremy."

Jeremy breathed on the mirror (it shockingly worked) and wrote, "Tell her."

Michael nodded and walked out again.

"Whoa, that was quick." Christine giggled.

"Yeah, I... I gotta tell you something."

"What is it?"

Michael looked around and found a piece of computer paper and a pen. He set them down on the table and looked at Christine. "You're gonna think I'm insane."


Michael paused before looking her dead in the eyes and saying, "Jeremy's a ghost."

Christine paused a few beats, then chuckled. "You're funny."

"No, I'm serious! Look," He pointed at the paper.

Jeremy took the hint and picked up the pen. Christine squeaked and jumped away from the table. Jeremy wrote, "Hey, Christine."

She grabbed Michael's arm, "How-- How are you doing that?!"

"I'm not." Michael shrugged.

Jeremy wrote, "It's not Michael. It's really Jeremy, I promise."

"Oh," Christine said, still sounding scared. "Okay, right, yeah. Okay, this is crazy."

"I know it is!" Michael chuckled.

Jeremy walked over and hugged Christine. She stiffened. "Oh my god. It is him. He's-- He's hugging me."

Michael nodded, smiling. "Watch, Jeremy, write something only you and her know."

Jeremy pulled away and thought for a moment. "Her Squip was Hillary Clinton."

Michael snorted. "For real?"

Chris chuckled. "Yeah yeah, leave me alone. So, Jeremy's really a ghost? Did he jump?"

Michael shook his head. "Nope."

Christine nodded and took a moment to think. "Alright... Alright, so now we definitely have to figure this out. C'mon." She went to pick up the ID and get to work.

Christine has joined your party.

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