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It's been about a week since Jeremy's death. Michael quit having panic attacks and break downs, and now was reduced to numb pain and occasional silent crying. Jeremy still refused to leave his side. He'd follow him to school and sit on top of the desk next to Michael's, even if there was a person in it. 

Jeremy liked to correct Michael's work, even if he wasn't heard. Michael tried to put May 5, 1812 for Napoleon's death, and Jeremy said, "No, idiot, it was 1821. God, did you even read the notes?" and he giggled. He was surprised to see that after he said that, Michael shook his head a bit, erased the answer, and corrected it. 

Michael didn't hear him, obviously. He just realized his mistake and corrected it. Still though, it felt nice to feel like he was heard. 

One night, Michael looked outside through the window and muttered, "Storm... Hm..." That made Jeremy go stiff. He'd always been terrified of storms. He never knew why, but he just was. Usually he'd go over to Michael's and hang out there during a storm, because Michael always knew how to comfort him. This time, though, he couldn't comfort him. 

Michael sat back down. His parents were out for the night, and wouldn't be back until the next afternoon. Jeremy sat next to him, trying to think of a solution so he wouldn't get scared shit-less, but he couldn't. 

After a few hours, the storm had rolled in, and Jeremy was practically in a ball on the couch. Michael didn't seemed bothered. In fact, he got up and went outside, sitting on the porch steps. He was getting soaked. He didn't seem to care. Jeremy timidly stood and followed him after a while, sitting on the steps next to him. 

They sat there in silence, Jeremy slowly relaxing. The rain didn't land on him and make him wet. It went through him, which you'd expect, but it felt so... weird. You know that cold feeling you get in your stomach after chugging an ice cold drink down? It felt like that, but all over. 

After what felt like half an hour, Michael said, "Can you hear me, buddy?"

Jeremy looked at him, but didn't say anything.

Michael sighed, "I really miss you... I'll be honest, I kind of just want to kill myself and see you already."

Jeremy's eyes widened as he began to panic. "What?! No! No, don't do that!"

"I won't though." Michael continued. "I know you'd probably be mad at me if I did."

"Damn right I would."

Michael paused, then said, "It sucks, you know? I never got to tell you..."

"Tell me what?"

Another pause, and then, "Like it matters. You probably aren't even listening."

Jeremy frowned. 

Michael waited for a few moments, and then said, "Are you listening? Can you just... Give me a sign or something, so I know I'm not just wasting my breath?"

Michael paused to wait, and Jeremy whimpered, looking down at Michael's hand. He tried to take it. His hand went through. "Come on, work." He pleaded quietly. He tried again, and it went through. "God dammit!"

"Anything?" Michael asked, starting to sound desperate. 

Jeremy tried again. It didn't work. Michael sighed, and Jeremy panicked and slammed his hand into Michael's... 

It worked. Michael and Jeremy both froze. Jeremy closed his hand around Michael's tightly, holding it as if he would never be able to again, and he probably wouldn't. Michael looked down at his hand, even more surprised to find no one there. "J... Jeremy?" Michael asked, barely above a whisper.

Jeremy nodded, letting go of his hand and quickly hugging him. It worked, and he felt like he'd cry. Michael was frozen, eyes wide. He seemed to recognize what it felt like when Jeremy hugged him. His eyes watered and he covered his mouth. The hand went through Jeremy, but he didn't care. "Oh my god..." Michael's voice shook. "Wait-- This is crazy. It can't really be you... Are ghosts real? Holy shit, my head hurts."

Jeremy chuckled. Michael seemed to feel it and chuckled as well. He then stood, dragging Jeremy with him, who yelped from being suddenly lifted into the air and let go of the hug.

Michael ran inside, and Jeremy followed. "It was you!" He said in excitement, not even caring that he was getting the floors wet. "You knocked over the vase! So that means you can touch stuff. Can you write? Wait, that's dumb, it's not like you can respond to me yet. H-Hang on."

Jeremy giggled and sat down on the couch as Michael ran into the kitchen. He came out with one of those silver bells you see at help desks and restaurants. He sat down next to Jeremy. "Okay. One ring for yes, and two for no. Is that really you?"

Jeremy rung the bell once, excited that he could touch stuff. Michael smiled, "Seriously? This isn't a prank, is it? Is Rich behind this?"

Jeremy rung the bell twice. 

They continued on like that for a while. Michael asked yes or no questions, and Jeremy would answer them with the bell. Michael looked happier than he had in ages. He was still skeptical, but he couldn't help but smile. Jeremy thought it was adorable. He could finally communicate with Michael. He could finally physically touch him. 

It was the best day in his afterlife.

Quest Complete. Michael has joined your party.

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