Chapter Two

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I walked down the stairs wearing a low cut shirt and ripped jeans. We weren’t allowed wear revealing clothes in school but that’s why I was wearing it. I strolled into the kitchen, glancing at my parents as they sat by the table, giving me blank expression. They have almost completely given up caring about me. For the first month or so they told me “I was wasting me life away”, or my personal favourite "You had so much potential". I walked right by them not acknowledging their presence as I grabbed my packet of cigarettes that were lying on the counter.

I purposely left them there everyday just to piss of my parents. “I’m going to school” I announced as I headed for the door. There was no response as usual. I sighed as I slammed the door behind me, attempting to make a statement. I slouched in the driver’s seat, wrapping my seatbelt around myself. It wasn’t a long drive, about seven minutes so I drove slowly.

I knew today wasn’t going to be easy. People seeing me for the first time since I “changed” but I was determined to make sure that every single person in that school knew that I don’t give a shit what they think of me. Especially Jack.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled up to the parking lot. I wasn’t even out of the car yet and people we’re already beginning to stare. I got out slowly closing the door as the crowds of people not very discretely watched my every move. Acting like I was some bomb that could go off at any minute from even the slightest movement. I knew they we waiting for a show and that’s exactly what I was going to give them.

I smirked as I pulled out my cigarettes. I wasn’t the only one in the school who smoked but I was definitely the only person with the balls to smoke on campus. I noticed a few of the freshmans eyes widen as they saw me pull my lighter out of my back pocket and light it in front of the cigarette. As it lit, I took the first drag, taking in all of the smoke and blowing it in the air in front of me.

I clicked my keys locking the car behind me before I began walking down the pathway that leads to the front entrance of the school. I heard silent whispers as I walked past groups of people, taking a drag every few steps. I always liked catching people’s attention and I always did. Although the attention I got before didn’t make the blood rush around my body like this kind of attention.

Before people wanted to be me, I got good grades, I was relatively popular and I was nice to people. But now people were scared to even try to be me and that gave me a rush.

I walked almost all the way through the school until I reached my locker. Opening it and taking one book out and spinning around on my heels to see a group of guys staring at me from across the hall. I recognised them instantly, they were Jack’s dumb ass friends that he hangs around with. 

I smiled as I strutted over to them. “Well you’ve changed” One of them said biting his lip and pulling me closer to him by my waist as he looked me up and down. "Yeah well people change, deal with it" I said blowing smoke to the side. "Oh I will..I like the new you" He said winking at me."Well that”s great.." I said sarcastically and he chuckled in response. 

There was a silence for a moment for a minute before he spoke again. "Aren’t you going to ask about Jack?" He said letting go of my waist slightly. Obviously remembering who he was talking to. “Oh yeah how is he?” I said casually. “I think you can guess.. he was pretty hurt Madison..” He said giving me a look. ”Well he shouldn’t take it personally, he was just collateral” I said shrugged before turning around to walk away.

I didn’t bother going to class straight away, firstly because it was Math, and secondly because I knew for a fact that Jack was in that class. I strolled around the hallways for a while, finishing my cigarette. I casually strolled around the halls exploring.

I heard a door open behind me and stood in front of me was the Principal. I groaned to myself as I saw her storm towards me. “First day of the year and you’re already late Ms Reynolds” She said shaking her head. "I got lost" I said smirking. "I’m sure you did" She said folding her arms in front of her chest.

"And is that a cigarette? You know the rules, give that to me" She demanded. “Wait just let me finish it” I said taking another drag but she pulled it out of my mouth. “You may think you have everyone fooled with this new persona you have taken it on, but I see right through it ms Reynolds, why don’t you get a bit of sense and stop wasting your life away”She said. I just stood their glaring at her.

"Now get to class, and I don’t want to see you in any trouble for the rest of the year" She said walking past me."Challenge accepted.." I muttered to myself when she was out of earshot as I folding my arms and began walking to Math….

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