Chapter Three

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I walked through the door with a smirk cemented across my face but it faded as I noticed Jack look up at me from across the room before slowly looking down again. My stomach dropped slightly, he hated me. The look he gave me was nothing like they used to be. Before they made me feel special and perfect to him. But the one he just gave me made me feel nothing but judgement.

I was brought back to reality by Mrs Blakewood speaking up. "Ah Ms Reynolds, you finally decided to join us, thank God" She said in a borderline sarcastic tone. "Well looks like God has answered your prayers" I said raising my hands. "Take a seat at the back of the class please" She said with an unimpressed expression. "My pleasure" I muttered strolling down to the class. Everyones eyes followed me as I did, except for the one person I wanted to. 

I slummed into my seat, throwing my book on the desk. "Now that everyones here.." Mrs Blakewood said purposely looking at me before she turned to begin writing on the bored. We weren't even five minutes into class and I already wanted to jump out the window. I couldn't help but stare at the back of Jack's head. There's was something different about him. Maybe a haircut? My thoughts were cut off by Mrs Blakewoods irritating voice.

"You just divide both sides by 3 to get the answer" Mrs Blakewood rambled at the top of the class. I sighed in response maybe a little to loudly. "Is there a problem?" Mrs Blakewood said turning to me. "Not at all" I said smirking. I noticed Jack giving me a glare from the top of the room. "Just because you got good grades last year Ms Reynolds doesn't mean you can just sit back and relax this year. It's your senior year so that means no time for slacking off" She said giving me a condescending look before turning around. I just rolled my eyes slouching back into my chair even more.

I must have fallen asleep because I jolted up when I heard the bell ring. "Okay so homework on page 37 for tomorrow" Mrs Blakewood announced to the class. "Yeah right.." I said laughing to myself as I made my way to the door. I stopped right in my tracks as Jack stormed by me not even acknowledging my presence. At that moment I decided I was going to make him hate me, if he didn't already.

The day dragged on, probably because I went to the majority of my classes. When the final bell rang, I couldn't get out of the school fast enough. I lit my cigarette just outside the school entrance as I walked out. Just as I was about to get in my car, I noticed Jack standing with one of his friends at the entrance to the parking lot. I smirked to myself as I strutted over to him confidently. "Hey, long time no see" I said smiling fakely standing in front of him.

"Hey.." He said looking around awkwardly. By now his friend had already walked away. I took a drag which caused him to frown at me in disgust. "Oh sorry do you want a drag?" I said offering him the cigarette, fulling aware that it was Jacks one pet peeve. "No.." He said waving me off. "Suit yourself" I said taking a drag and blowing the smoke to the side.

"Well, eh I got to go..nice seeing you?" He said which sounded more like a question than a statement. "You too we should do it again sometime" I said laughing. Before he was out of earshot, I yelled to him. "Oh by the way, I have you're hoodie, I'm assuming you want it back yeah?" I asked him causally. "Eh yeah I guess" He said looking down in despair, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He always did that. Yes I was being a bitch but thats who I am now. A bitch.

He strolled off now saying another word as I strolled off to my car. I think that was about as much emotion out of Jack as I would get this year. Jack wasn't a very emotional person. I knew he was dying inside right now and all he wanted to was ask me why and how ,and all the questions that puzzled him at the moment but he would never dare to ask them. I was kind of glad because  I didn't really have a reason.

On The Edge - Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now