Chapter Eight

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That night I lay in my bed thinking about everything. I realised I was doing the one thing I didn’t want. I was letting Jack back into my life, I was getting to comfortable with him and it needed to stop.

The next Monday I made it my mission to make sure Jack knew that there was nothing going on with us. “Hey” He said as we walked into Math. "Hi" I snapped walking right past him. I could feel his frown on me as I walked away but I didn’t care.

I had successfully avoided Jack for the entire day but he finally caught me in the parking lot.“What was that?” Jack asked me frowning. “What do you mean?” I said playing ignorant."You completely blanked me earlier in class" He said in a frustrated tone. “So it’s not like we’re friends or anything..” I said brushing him off. Jack scoffed shaking his head. “You’re unbelievable” Jack said. “You let me in, and then as soon as you feel you’re being to vulnerable you cut me out” Jack said and I just stood there unsure of how to respond.

We were interrupted by one of the burn outs of the school walking up to us. "Hey Madisn..Paul is having a party tonight and it’s going to be crazy, you should come" He told me. "Sure I’d love to" I responded. "Cool" He said before walking away. "Eh no you’re not" Jack said and I raised my eyebrow at him. “I’m tutoring you tonight, you can’t go to that party. Beside it’s a school night”

"Well you’re not in control of me so I think I am going to go" I said beginning to walk away as I pulled out a cigarette. “Thought you said you we’re going to stop?" He called after me. “It’s a metaphor” I said laughing in a mocking tone as I lit it.

I went to the party just to spite Jack. I wouldn’t have went if he wasn’t standing there. The party wasn’t that good so I had to occupy myself with drink. “Hey Madison” Some guy said pulling me onto his lap. "Hey" I said wrapping my arms around his neck. We made out for a while until he starting too get too touchy and it made me uncomfortable. "Do you want to take this upstairs?" He asked kissing my neck. “Em I think I have to go now” I said standing up. “Oh no you don’t”The guy said pinning me up against the wall.

I’m pretty sure I screamed for someone to help me but no one did. "I’ll ask you again do you want to take this upstairs?" He said into my ear. “No” I persisted and I could see the anger building up inside of him. Before he could say anything else he was ripped off me by someone.

"She said no asshole" A voice said which I instantly recognised as Jacks. He dragged me out of the house and placed me in the car. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I said in an angered tone. "Em I was saving you" Jack said in annoyance. "Yeah well I didn’t need you to save me" I said trying to open the door. “Oh yeah it looked like you had it completely under control there”

I groaned in frustration. "God why are you always there when I don’t want you to be..just let me out of the car" I said tugging at the door. "Fine" Jack yelled unlocking it. “The least you could say would be thank you" He yelled out the window.

"Oh okay, thanks Jack..for verifying with me that I made the right decision in dumping you" 

On The Edge - Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now