Chapter Nine

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He scoffed at me in disgust before speeding off down the road. I stood there in shock I didn’t actually expect him to drive off on me. "Are you serious?" I said under my breath before beginning to walk in the direction I thought was my house. "Fuck.." I said only 2 minutes down the road when I realised I was lost.

I noticed a car pull up beside me but I kept walking, assuming it was some creep trying to pick me up. “Get in the car” A voice said from the car. I turned my head to see it was, the words “fuck off” on my lips. But I didn’t say them when I realised it was Jack. "What are you still doing here?" I asked him folding my arms. "You may be a stubborn bitch but that doesn’t mean I want you to be murdered by some lunatic in the middle of the night" He replied to me."Excuse me! I’m not a bitch" I said offended by his comments. He rolled his eyes, groaning."Just get in the car" He demanded. Any other time I would have been stubborn and not gotten into the car until he apologised. But it was freezing and I had no clue where I was going so it seemed like my best option was to just go with it.

We drove in silence, not even the radio was on. After a long car ride we got to my house."Thanks" I mumbled grabbing the door handle but Jack locked it. I pulled it a few times. “Are you insane?! open the door!" I demanded still tugging on the door.

"Just let me ask you something" He said quietly. "You can if you open the door" I said slightly freaked out. He unlocked it and waited for me to relax. "Why?" was all he said looking straight ahead. "Why what Jack?" I asked him, rolling my eyes. “Why are you like this? what happened? and don’t brush me off and make a joke of it. I deserve the truth” He said in a serious tone. "That’s really none of your business" I said turning up my nose at him. "I think it is my business when you dump me unofficially like that" He said turning to me. “You want to know why?” I asked him and he nodded. "Honestly..I don’t know…It just kind of happened all so fast. I was sad, you were gone, I was lonely and I got curious, maybe a little too curious. I wish I could give you a proper intelligent deep reason..but there just isn’t one. This is who I am now" I said looking down at my feet.

"Well if you could find the old you I would really like that because I miss her" Jack said placing his hand on mine giving me a slight smile. "ill see what I can do…" I said smiling back before getting out of the car.

What Jack said really hit me hard. I hated him being nice to me because it made me feel guilty. At least if he hated my guts it would be easier for me to be so closed off and harsh towards him. I’m not going to say that I wouldn’t like things to be back to the way they were, because I really would. I hate the person I have become, the kid who had potential and who was going somewhere. I wanted to be the kid who has potential and who is going somewhere. As much as I would like to be that girl again, the girl that Jack wants, I can’t. Too much had happened and I don’t even feel like the girl I used to be is even in me anymore.

What hurts the most now is that Jack is still hoping. He’s still hoping his sweet innocent girlfriends is going to come back and it kills me that I can’t give him that. It hurts that he’s still waiting for someone that is never going to come. I can’t keep doing this, giving him hope. I had to show him that the girl he used to know is gone and isn’t coming back.

I stood at my locker as I watched Jack walk towards me with a smile that I hadn’t seen since we broke up. “Morning” He said extremely chirpy. "Hi" I mumbled as I unloaded my locker. “So..I was thinking that maybe we could go see a movie or something?" He asked me leaning his head against the lockers. "Like a date?” I asked, scrunching my nose in disgust. Jack chuckled not even offended. “Well only if you want to call it that” He said winking at me. I’m not going to lie, that gave me insane butterflies that I haven’t felt in months. 

I sighed in disappointment as I realised I couldn’t keep doing this. “Look Jack, I know you think you can change me, bring me back to the girl I used to be, But that is never going to happen, so you might as well just give me up on the idea right now” I told him in a sour tone. “But..”Jack said looking at me in shock. "No! there is no buts, we’re never getting back together, so stop being so pathetic and just get over it!" I yelled at him.

I knew as soon as I said it how harsh it was but I couldn’t take it back now. "You know what? All my friends told me I should just give up on you because you’re no good, But I didn’t, I wanted to try because I couldn’t except the fact that you were gone. But now I realise they were right. You’re a complete bitch and there is no redeeming factors anymore. So you know what? Fuck you Madison! Have a nice life" He said before storming off in the opposite direction.

I looked around to see everyone staring. I knew he hated me for real now, but it was better this way.

On The Edge - Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now