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Walking side by side was you and Zeref. It was nearly noon and so far the day was calm and simple. You wore a simple, short, white kimono with a black one underneath with shoulders cut away, some black stockings, and a pair of boots.

You had to admit it was pretty stylish of you.

"Y/n, you should walk a bit a way, I feel it coming" Zeref spoke up

In response you quickly walked through the bushes and ran off, you didn't want to get caught in his wave of dark magic after all.

You ran over the crest of a steep hill, your foot slipped and you let out a shriek as you slid down, reaching out to grip something but finding nothing.

You finally stopped and sat up, your thigh felt like it was on fire and when you pulled down your stocking a bit you saw your blood flowing out of multiple deep scrapes that were next to eachother. Must have been a sharp rock.

"Who are you!" A voice rang out

You looked up and saw a girl with blonde hair and big brown eyes and another girl with brunette hair and violet eyes.

You quickly stood up and faced them, your social anxiety rushed over you and you couldn't answer.

"Cana, look" the blonde said, pointing to your shoulder

Suddenly the brunette walked forward and roughly grabbed your clothes in her hands.

"Who are you! How come you have our guild mark!" She asked angrily

Fear shot through you, turning you stiff and speechless, your lack of human interaction made you shy and introverted, only talking to Zeref for years was enough to keep you sane.

"Cana, calm down! I'm sure there's an explaination!" The blonde said trying to calm her friend

"I've never seen her before in my life, whatever scheme your trying to pull isn't working!" The brunette yelled

You used your arm and came up from under, hitting the brunettes arms, forcing her to let go.

You turned and ran, you scrambled up the steep hill like your life depended on it and rushed back into the forest.

You called out for Zeref but couldn't find him, nostalgia washed over you and you remembered when your dragon had left you you had behaved this exact same way.

You fell to your knees and cried into your hands.

"Why does everyone I care about keep disappearing? " You thought

You heard a light friction on the dirt and someone mumbling. You turned your head and saw a guy, a flying blue cat hovering near his head, appearing to talk to him.

What caught your attention most was his spikey pink hair. You had never seen anything like it before.

"Hey who are you?" He asked, crossing his arms

It wasn't like how the brunette had asked, his was more curious and seemed slightly annoyed, hers had been aggressive and rough.

You stood up, leg aching and looked at him. The blue cat gasped and said, "They have our guild mark!"

The guy seemed to get even more confused, "Strange cuz I've never seen them before."

Suddenly your voice found you and you spoke up.

"Have you seen my friend? We got separated and I can't find him, his name is Zeref if that helps"

Both looked surprised, going wide eyes at what you said, but you didn't know what was so shocking about it.

"Woah wait! You mean to tell me that crybaby was Zeref!" The pinkette yelled

Slightly startled you nodded, taking a step back even though neither of you had gotten closer.

"And your his friend!?" He yelled again he suddenly grinned mischievously " If I fight and beat her then gramps will have ta make me S-class!"

He launched at you, fists lighting on fire as he did. Your arms flew up to defend yourself but you felt nothing, lowering your arms you saw a magic barrier was blocking him from you.

He looked just as shocked as you felt. A voice chimed in your ear that sounded like Acnologia's voice saying "Don't forget what I taught you, brat!

You narrowed your eyes and kept at the guy, leaping high in the air.

"Black Dragon; Wing Attack" you cast your spell, destroying most of the surrounding area and blowing the fire mage away.

You landed gracefully back on the ground and looked around nervously, you remembered your goal and ran off, going to try and find Zeref.

The Dark Dragon - A Fairy Tail Reader InsertOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant