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Uhhh, hey, kinda left y'all hanging, sorry about that hope you aren't to mad!

"Wanna drink?" The already ditzy brunette asked you.

"Ah, uh n-no thanks!" You nervously sputtered.

"Common, it'll be fuuuunn!" She happily offered again, shaking a bottle in your direction.

Your face was flushed from the interaction and Cana seemed insistent on getting you to drink alcohol.

You awkwardly shuffled away, leaving Cana to herself. You went up to Mira.

"Do you know of any libraries? I need to search something." You asked shyly.

"Our old guild hall had a library but since we aren't there I suppose you could look for one in the town, I'm not sure if I know where one is!" She replied sweetly.

You thanked her before leaving the building and going down the path. You didn't know where any libraries were. You had never been here before so it would be difficult to find your way around.

Just walking around, hoping for the best before coming across a large building. You went around it before finding the front.

"Woah! This must be the old guild hall! Hmm.... It wouldnt hurt anybody if I had a peak around..."

With that you snuck in and started to look around. You kept what Mira said in your mind and began wandering around in search for the library.

"Maybe if I find the library I can see some magic books!"

Finding a set of stairs behind a door, you decided to go down. Ending up in a cavern like place with a wall that appearred to be able to open.

You wondered how you could open it before just going to random places and doing random things.

Suddenly, the door began to open.

"Please be a library please be a library please be a library - awe its not a library.... But.. What is it exactly?"



You let out a small sigh, resting your chin on the table.

"Is something bothering you?" Juvia asked, noticing your mood.

"Nothing really, I went to the old guild hall to try and find the library and see some magic books but all I found was a weird room and a crystal." You replied fully.

"Well its ok, I'm sure you can find magic books somewhere else." She said with a smile.

"I guess. But there's also something else..." You trailed off before standing up and going to the guilds local fire-head.

"Hey, Natsu, there's something that I'd like to talk to you about."

He stopped doing whatever he was doing and looked at you.

"Well it's been bugging me for a whlie and I didn't really want to bring it up but... you kinda smell similar to my friend, the one back on tenrou."

The Dark Dragon - A Fairy Tail Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now