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"Eh? Your nose must be broken then!" He laughed jokingly.

You frowned.

"I think it works just fi-"

"We should fight!"

You took a step back with a startled look.

"W-What? No, I dont want to fight you"

"Oh come on! I wanna see what you can do!" He enthusiastically replied.

"Oh, I dont know..."

"It'll be fun! I can go easy on you if you're really that much weaker than me!"

You straightened up at that, looking him in the eyes with an icy confidence.

"I'm not weak."

"Then prove it." he goated with a smirk.

"Fine. But a fair warning, any injuries will not be blamed on me." You answered.




"Wow, I had no idea Y/n was that strong"

"Yea she must be in the same levels as Erza!"

"I warned you! Now stop complaining." You huffed in annoyance as your opponent rolled on the ground like a child.

He suddenly got up and looked you in the eye.

"I'll win next time, just wait!"

"Hey, uhm, Y/n?"

You turned your e/c gaze over to the young blue haired girl.

"What kind of dragon slayer were you again if you dont mind?" She asked shyly.

You smiled, "Oh, I'm an Apocalypse dragon slayer."

"Wait!" Lucy yelped and was suddenly by your side.

"Apocalypse? Like Acnologia? So do you think you could beat him?!" She asked.

"Oh, uh, well I might but it would be against my morals." You responded and rubbed the back of your head.

"Why? If you can defeat that monster then shouldn't you?"

"I could never hurt him."

"But why, if you can defeat him then you should, especially after everything that he's done!"

You smiled softly, "I dont think you understand.. I wasn't ever going to bring it up for obvious reasons but, Acnologia is... Well was.. My parent."

Sorry its so short but its been so long sense I updated this and I wanted to put something out there

The Dark Dragon - A Fairy Tail Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now