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You slowly faded back into conciousness, blinking your eyes a few times until the blurred lines became objects or, more specifically, plants and rocks.

Groggily, you sat up and rubbed your eyes. You felt horrible, like you just took a five minute nap before being forced awake.

You looked around and spotted a familiar blonde, little girl, and white cat laying on the ground not far from you. You suddenly remembered what had happened and slightly panicked.

'Oh my gosh this is so weird am I dead?! I dont wanna be dead!'

The others began to stir and sit up, looking confused as loud footsteps came thundering from the distance.

Unfamiliar people leaped out and started bawling over the girls that had just woke up, not even noticing you off to the side.

What happened next was more of a blur and you found yourself standing amongst the guild folk as a young girl explained something about magic and friendship or something like that.

Not having any choice, you boarded the ship with them and went to Magnolia. You trailed behind, going up the hill and to the run down looking guild hall.

There was a commotion going on and you didn't feel like getting involved so you went round the side of the building and crouched down.

You sat there for a while, allowing the hens to come close and peck at the ground around you. You didn't know how you felt at the moment.

On one hand your foster parent tried to kill you, your friend left you on an island with a bunch of weird people, and you missed out on seven years of life.

On the other hand, you belonged to a guild now, whatever that was, had new friends, and were still alive.

You let out a sigh and closed your eyes, trying to make sense of everything.


You jumped in surprise, startling the hens and making them flap their wings as they fled away.

Turning your head in the direction of the voice to see the pink haired boy.

"I dont think we've met yet! I saw you leave everyone so I came to see what you were doing!" He happily stated.

You started at him for a long time and after a few minutes he looked confused.

"Is something wrong?"

You shook your head, "S-Sorry, its just I was thinking... Never mind, nothings wrong I just wanted to give everyone space, I wasn't exactly being missed by anyone."

You looked back down at the ground, fiddling with the end of your sleeve. You felt the air shift as the pinkette knelt beside you.

"No one knows you but you're still apart of the guild, if you weren't then you wouldn't have our guild mark, so no matter how anyone sees it you're apart of the family now!"

You looked over in surprise before giving a small smile.

"I guess."

He stood up, grabbing your arm and pulling you with him.

"Alright! Let's go in and see everyone!" He cheered.


The Dark Dragon - A Fairy Tail Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now