Master Makarov

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^that's the closest thing I could find to match this >>

"So who are you?" The small old man asked bluntly.

You shuffled nervously as his eyes stared you down. Your right hand grasped your left elbow and your toes turned inward as you looked down.

"Uhm, well, you see, uh, I'm Y/n, and uh, I uh, traveled with a guy who raised me kinda and uhm, I guess like a parent or uh older brother and um, we came here but then things happened and uh I don't know how I got here really cause I sorta passed out or something...." You said shyly, avoiding eye contact with the old man.

"Don't seem so intimidated, child, I will cause you no harm, I'm only interested in how you managed to get here and who you are. Also as to why you have our guild mark." He said smoothly.

You stopped moving and turned up your e/c orbs to look at him. The fighting had stopped a while ago and that was when the old man had taken you to a private area to interrogate you.

"You seem to be no threat, since your friend is no longer with you it would be best if you stayed with us until you can find him again." He suggested lightly, his tone holding no demand.

You nodded slowly, "Yes, thank you."

Walking away, you went back to the temporary camp that all the others were at.

You sat on a tree stump and watched as they laughed and talked together. You briefly wondered what they were talking about before shaking your head and turning it up so you could look at the puffy white clouds as the floated across the sky.

"I wonder what they would think if I told them I got this mark from Zeref. Would they know him? Was he apart of this.. guild? What even is a guild?"


You bent your head downward and saw a guy with dark hair and matching dark eyes standing in front of you. He wore black pants and sandals and had bandages wrapped tightly around his chest, one open spot revealing a navy blue mark that all the other people there had.

You noticed a small chain necklace hanging down from around his neck with a cross-like pendant. You tilted your head to the side as you took in his appearance.

"He could at least have the decency to wear a shirt as least. I mean I guess it's fine since the bandages are there but still...."

"I'm Gray, I figured you'd feel left out."

"Not really." You said with a frosty voice.

He looked slightly stunned and you jerked your head straight as you realized your coldness.

"O-Oh, sorry! It's just, uh, I'm just used to being alone" you said quietly.

"Who is this!" A loud voice cried making you both jump.

A girl with blue hair and a torn outfit attached herself to Gray and looked at you with cold, sharp eyes.

"She better not be trying to steal my precious Gray from me." She said obsessively.

"Steal?" You asked in confusion as a strange look fell on Grays face.

"I don't think I understand." You said.

"Are you in love with him!" She yelled.

"Uh, N-no? I-I uhh, don't know what that is, you're confusing me!" You squeaked out.

Both of them looked at you.

The Dark Dragon - A Fairy Tail Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now