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"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Kol questions for the millionth time as he leans against the doorframe of my apartment.

"No, but I'll do my best." I tell him with a sigh. "Goodnight."

"Night, Lee." Kol grins from ear to ear as he watches me enter my apartment. Although, he makes no move to leave just yet.

I roll my eyes at him as I walk inside and shut the door behind me. My head falls against the door, and I try not to smile. Despite every bad thing that happened tonight, there was some good. I have to remind myself of that as I pass through the apartment.

There's a stutter to my stride when I hear mangled breathing. I walk into my dad's bedroom to find him like I usually do these days, with a bottle in his hand and bloodshot, red-rimmed eyes. His gaze is fixed on the hardwood floor and remains on the one spot even as the door closes. "Dad, we need to talk."

"I know, Lee. I–"

"No. I need to say this before I lose my chance." I shift my weight between my feet, and take a deep breath before starting the speech I've rehearsed in my head a hundred times. Tonight can't get any worse, so I might as well get this over with now.

"I know you're in pain right now, but I want you to know that I can handle you talking about it. In fact, that would be much easier for me to handle than coming here at one in the afternoon to find you drunk and beaten because you got in a fight. It hurts me more than you and mom splitting up.

"Please, you have to talk to me about this stuff. My heart wants to break when I see you like this. If you need me to stay here longer than I can. Because I can't leave until I know you're okay on your own. I already called Jade and told her I'll be here for a little bit longer, and she understands. None of it means anything unless you let me help you, Dad. Please, just let me in." Tears are streaming down my face with each word, and I know he's not looking at me to avoid more of his guilt.

When he finally meets my eyes, his eyes are filled with tears. His voice comes out weak and shaming as he speaks. "I'll do my best, Lee. It's just, I've loved your Mom since I was your age, and I still do. I just want her back, but I don't know if that will happen. She's still upset at me for things long past."

I sigh as I realize there are more secrets they're still keeping from me, and now, he's practically given up on everything. The fabric of the cushions makes a rumbling noise as I sit down next to him.

"You and Mom have always had your differences and always will. That doesn't mean you two can't work through whatever is going on between you two. It might just take a bit of time before that happens, but I firmly believe it will."

"How did I get so lucky as to have a kid like you?" He soberly chuckles as he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"I like to think that I had some really great parents." I reply and wrap him in a hug. "I'm going to turn in for the night. Breakfast in the morning?"

"Sounds good, bean." He smiles and turns on the television, which I know he'll use to distract himself from his thoughts for the rest of the night.

. . .

Another week went by in a jumbled mess of anxiety, laughter, and everything in between.

Kol and I continued on as friends. The disastrous attempt at a first day was our sign that maybe we should let things settle down a bit before getting involved, but it couldn't keep us from acting like a couple on dates every night. We just both pretend it's under the title of 'friends.'

"Wait, so you and Kol are spending time together? Please, tell me you're going out with him." Jade squeals as she wiggles her eyebrows at me through my computer screen.

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