Book 2

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To my lovely readers,

so...I guess this is the end of book 1? it's a strange feeling to actually put that into words. still, I am so thankful for each and every one of you.

I also want to apologize, because I really doubt myself as a writer (pretty much on a daily basis), and sometimes, I feel like that doubt affects my work. So, it always makes my day to hear your thoughts and reactions to the story, but if this story lacked in some places, I'm sorry.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this--I'm human. I've got doubts and fears that get the best of me, and that's okay. It just makes it mean that much more when I get past them or hear you guys say so many sweet and encouraging things to me. Although, I always feel like I should apologize in case I let any one of you down.

There will be a book 2! (I just don't know when yet, but I promise I have plans for a second book. So bear with me.)

Stay wonderful, sweet, exceptional, and you! I love you all. 💕

P.s. thank you for reading Part 1 of the Dead Hearts Series 🖤

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