Chapter 12 - [Transfer]

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The more time that passed, the more Saphryn and I got closer. We were spending a lot of time together... mostly because we kind of had to. But I was really beginning to enjoy his company, and I hoped he was enjoying mine.

I stopped taking the bus to school cause under my grandmother's orders, Saphryn was instructed to take me to school and pick me up. She said it was because she wanted him to wake up early every day. I had a feeling that it also made her feel slightly better to have a Vahriyan looking after me as sort of a body guard.

It was weird at first, since Saphryn was pretty much giving me a piggyback ride to school everyday... but I was saving money and time since I didn't need to take the bus. A trip on the bus to school was long, whereas Saphryn could drop me off in five minutes.

It was a Friday and I was dying of exhaustion. I could barely wake up that morning, but thankfully, knowing that Saphryn was taking me meant that I could sleep in. When I had finally woken up, got dressed and made it outside to where Saphryn was waiting for me, he looked at me with a silly smile. "You look horrible."

I frowned deeply at him. "It's a Friday, cut me some slack." To be fair, he also looked horrible. My grandmother was not going easy on him. But unlike him, I kept my comments of him to myself. Though, unlike me, his eyes seemed to look as bright as always... and it didn't help that his blue scarf made them look even nicer.

My dark eyes paled in comparison to his eyes.

As always, Saphryn dropped me off in a secluded catwalk just outside our school, only allowing me to be visible again when there were no students nearby. He walked with me just a little bit, asking me if I was ready for that math test I was whining about all week.

The short answer was no.

The long answer was that I studied day and night for this stupid test so if I get anything lower than a B then I give up.

Once I waved goodbye to him, I crossed the road and made my way towards the side entrance of the school. I didn't realize however, that Rey was there as well, getting out of his car.

I smiled at him as he approached me. "He walks you to school?" He suddenly asked.

I hesitated before turning around and seeing Saphryn only now turning around and walking off. "Umm, no," I said. "He drives. He just leaves his car there..."

"So we're not going home together ever again?"

I chuckled as I looked back at Rey. I noticed from the look on his expression that he was being serious. "Well... no, I guess not."

Rey opened the door and held it open for me. "You've been really distant recently," he said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, Rey," I simply said. "Just studying. You know how hard it is for me to get an A."

The look on his face was understanding, but at the same time, he still seemed confused. "Are you sure it doesn't have to do with that guy?"

"No," I said. I stopped walking and looked at him. "Not at all."

"We're supposed to be best friends," he said. "But we don't even talk anymore."

"We are still friends!" I said, "just cause I don't get a ride home with you anymore doesn't mean we're not friends anymore."

He let out a breath. "Nyla, I... just don't let a guy get in the middle of us... okay? Or a girl for that matter."

I felt my cheeks warm up, knowing exactly what he was thinking and finding it embarrassing. "Yeah, of course." I simply said.

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