Chapter 5

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She had a shift that night at First Order. She showed up for her shift giddy with excitement.

"Rey? What's up? Why are you so happy?" Rose asked. It was out of character for her to be so happy.

"I just signed a lease on my own apartment, I move in tomorrow!" She replied.

"WHAT?" Rose asked with disbelief!

"It's my 18th birthday today, I age out of the foster system. Now, I have a place to be," she said proudly.

"How did you save enough working at a coffee shop," Rose asked, her jaw still on the floor.

"I've been working in every city I've ever lived in and stocking up money for this since I was 12," Rey replied, realizing this was the most she's every told anyone about her personal life.

"Wow," Rose responded. Not really sure of what else she should, or could, say.

They both went back to work, Rey unusually happy and polite with the customers. Once the store slowed down around 5:45, she took her book bag out and got started on the homework she had to do this weekend. She started with her English homework, since it was her least favorite. It was just reading, since her essay had just been handed in. She was almost done with her reading when her phone buzzed.

Why were you in my apartment building?

Actually, it's also now MY apartment building.

What do you mean?

I'm moving in tomorrow. No, I'm not stalking you. My realtor showed me the perfect apartment that is the perfect distance from the shop and the college. Which I'm sure you know.

Yes. I do know. I live here.

Yeah. So it seems we will be neighbors.

Wait, how is it that you are in high school and getting your own apartment?

It's a long story.

Are you too busy to tell it?

Why don't you come here and hear it for yourself?

Well boy did she wish she didn't say that. She was having a moment of false confidence. She was frantically typing and deleting, typing and deleting, typing and deleting.

He said nothing back, and she couldn't come up with words that didn't sound stupid. She finally just put her phone down and went back to reading.. About 5 minutes later she heard the bell. "How can I help you?" she said instinctively, putting her book down.

"Large black," the voice replied, staring at her.

She smiled and went to make him a coffee. She made the coffee and brought it back. His five dollar bill was already on the counter when she returned. He took his coffee from her and grabbed a chair at the "bar" right next to where she was.

"So," he said. "I'm intrigued."

"It's not that intriguing," she replied.

"Try me," he said, with a smirk, sipping his coffee.

"Ok, well long story short, I grew up in the foster care system, I age out at 18, and I needed a place to go so I didn't end up on the streets," she said matter of factly.

He didn't say anything for a minute. On this day, she told two different people, one who for all intents and purposes, was a complete stranger, all about her life.

"Well," he started, "That wasn't what I was expecting. You must have aged out recently," he replied.

"Today," she said quietly.

"Like, today as in, today is your 18th birthday, and you're working at a coffee shop?" he said, a surprised tone in his voice.

"Yup," she answered, "I told you I wasn't that intriguing," she reminded him.

"What apartment are you moving in to?" he asked.

"Ummm, 105. It's on the first floor," she said. "What about you, where in the building do you live?"

His cheeks turned red and he replied, "I live in 702."

"Wow, all the way on the 7th floor!" she said, impressed. She knew that the only apartments up that high were the luxury apartments. "How does a college student get to live in a luxury apartment, now I'm intrigued," she replied with a coy smile.

"Well in an embarrassing story that pales in comparison to yours, my parents set me up a trust when I was young. I had my issues with them, but they are good people. The trust was large and covers my apartment. I also work for the university, as a teacher's assistant. I will become an undergrad professor next year while I simultaneously work on my Ph.D.. That pays for my other stuff," he said.

"Well we sure do come from two different places," she said after listening to his very privileged story.

"Yet, here we are, together, in this coffee shop on a Saturday night, celebrating your birthday," he smiled at her. "What time does your shift end? What are you doing for your birthday tonight?"

"My shift ends at 9:00. I'm not doing anything. Always moving around, I haven't kept many close friends. I didn't really start off on the right foot at this school. I have Rose, but I didn't want to bother her. My foster family might not even realized I've left. I'm just going to go back to the house and pack up my stuff," she said, knowing it would only take her about an hour to pack all her stuff.

"Well, actually," he started to say, "You're coming over. How much stuff could you have? I'll give you a tour of the building and show you how the rich and famous live," he smiled at her and checked his watch, it was 8:15. He had 45 minutes to pull off his big plan.

"I'll see you, luxury," she said and he walked out of the coffee shop. 

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