Chapter 11

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After her morning, where she spent all of her first two periods in the office filling out a ton of paperwork and explaining to at least 1,000 people how she turned 18 and lived alone and didn't need a guardian's signature, she was squared away at school. Her address had been changed and she eliminated all the people on her past list of people the school can communicate with. She needed to list an emergency contact and she immediately thought of Ben, but she didn't even know his last name. She decided he was her best option and made up a last name for him. They sent her to her guidance counselor to make sure she was ok with her decision. When she was finally cleared from there, she went about the rest of her school day normally. She decided her goal was to keep her head down and just make it through the next 6 weeks until graduation. She only had 4 weeks until finals, she could do it.

She drove back to her apartment after work, threw on her clothes for work, and took off to walk to the shop. She brought her backpack per usual and worked the first part of her shift until 7:00 when Rose left. She and Rose had been working on their math assignment when Rose's shift ended. Rey pulled out her book and began to read until the bell rang. She looked up and smiled, it was Ben.

She turned to make his coffee and set it down in front of him.

"You're awfully early," she said looking at the clock and seeing it was only 7:35. "You said you wanted to walk back together, but I don't get off until 9:00," she told him.

"I know," he smiled. "I wanted to chat with you, and hang out with you," he said shyly.

"Well I won't argue about that," Rey replied to him.

"What are you reading," Ben asked.

"Wuthering Heights," she said with a sneer. "I hate ELA, I hate reading these books, and I hate writing. I don't hate reading, just reading like this," she said, tossing her book back into her backpack.

"Well, you will only have to take the most basic ELA classes in college, when do you get to pick your classes?" he asked.

"We have freshman orientation in July, I think we do it then," she said, "as long as my GPA stays up," she added.

"It will, you are studious and hard working," he told her.

"Thanks, English is the only class that could compromise that. When I get my essay back next week, I'll feel better," she said.

"Something tells me you did fine," he said.

"I can't wait until all my classes revolve around mechanical engineering," she said. "I love Science and Math," she added.

"Well next year I'll take classes, but the following year I'll have to write my doctoral dissertation, talk about hating writing," he said to her.

"What are you going to write your dissertation about?" she asked.

"I don't have a thesis yet, but I know it's going to revolve around AI or Robotics in some way," he answered.

"Right up my alley," she said, "Robotics is my jam!" she giggled. "I was on a robotics team at my last high school, and I want to try out ot be on the Robotics team at Falcon, too" she said.

"You definitely should," he agreed. "I was on the team my first 3 years, then I got too busy with work and school to make the commitment, but it was really fun," he smiled, remembering the memories and friends he made.

"So," she said slowly, "I put you down as my emergency contact at school today," she felt herself blush.

"You did?" he asked. "You know, I've only known you for like short weeks," he said, his own pale face reddening.

"I know, I can change it, I couldn't think of anyone else to put, I don't know that many people here," she said quickly, obviously flustered.

"No, leave it, I'd love to rush to your side in case of an emergency," he said.

"Ya know, I had to lie and make up your last name," she said to him.
"What'd you put?" he asked, curious.

"Smith, seemed safe," he said.

"Right letter, it's Solo," he told her.

"Ben Solo," she said aloud.


"Kenobi," she added.

"Rey Kenobi," he stuck out his hand, "Nice to meet you," he said with a goofy smile. When she took her hand, he brought it up and kissed it. She blushed even redder than before.

They exchanged silly chit chat until about 8:30.

"Rey," Ben said to her slowly, "I want to talk. About what happened, or didn't happen, or what I want to happen," Ben said, stumbling over his words and sounding insecure.

"Ok," Rey said, "You mean last night?"


"Ok, I kind of thought we already sorted that out?" she asked.

"We did," Ben said, "But what we didn't sort out, is if we both understand what we did was ok and we both wanted it, what do we do next?" he asked. "I liked kissing you, and I think, based on what was sorted out, that you liked kissing me, too" he said.

"Ok, I mean yeah, I did," she said.

"So what's next?" he wanted to know, "Where do we go from here?"

"I haven't thought about it," Rey said, feeling like she should divulge some information.
"Ben," she said. "There's something you should probably know," she took a deep breath.

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to," he assured her.

"If we're thinking about getting intimate, you should know. I'm not a virgin, but it's not by choice. Some of my foster homes were more... volatile....than others. You would be the first person I'm choosing to be intimate with," she added, not making eye contact, ashamed of what happened to her in the past.

"Rey," Ben said, sadness in his eyes. He didn't know how to respond to that, he came behind the counter and embraced her, wholly, in his arms. They stayed there for a minute. "Rey, if you are not comfortable being intimate with me I would totally understand. That's not where I intended for this conversation to go, I didn't mean to pry," he said to her.

"I know, I've had the proper therapy and am feeling ready to be intimate on my own terms," she said. "You're very sweet," she said.

She leaned up and kissed him long and sweet. "Let me just clean up and close up and we can head back to the apartment building," she said and as soon as she walked away to clean up, his arms felt noticeably empty. 

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