love is forever 4th

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It was sunset. The good time for me take a swim in the sea alone. I was here for only a few days. I still try to not thinking about my future wife. I keep thinking about the picture my mom gives to me before I run away. She looks normal. Like any other girl. Something about her that fascinate me. I keep thinking about her even though I run away from home because of her.

Do I fall in love with her for the first time I see her picture? What is this love thing? It makes me sick. I can't stop thinking about her. Every time I see her face I imagine how it feels to touch her? kiss her and hold her in my arms? Her eye is mesmerizing. Everything about her look is so beautiful. I'm going crazy over here? Only fools fall in love and now I one of them.

After swim I went back on the beach. I grab my stuff on the sand and start walking back to the house. The house situated on the hill just above the sea. There passage to go to the beach from the house. The beach is like a private beach. No one can come over it as it a private property.

I just walk on normal human pace. I don't want to rush. There nothing urgent for me to get back to. The house now only has us. My best friends Nate, Alex and Henry and also my cousin Bren and I. Alex and Henry must be just arrived. I call them yesterday to join me in my run away quest. Nate arrived this morning and I don't want to be alone. I do bring a servant just in case. So Just me with the guys and a male servant.

The sun already set down long ago. As I walk slowly I see something on the shore not far from our house. I look closely. What is that? With my vampire eye I can see it very clearly. It look like a human girl and I can smell her.

What had happen to her? I begin to run and when I reach there is a girl lying on the sand. Her leg was still in the water. I can't see her face clearly because her hairs cover it. I check her pulse. She still breathing but weak. I check her body if there any broken or injury. Nothing that is broken. She just got bruised all over her body. Her skin looks pale. I move her slowly on other side try not to hurt anywhere.

Slowly I move her hair out from the face. To my horror she looks the same as in the picture. Is she my future wife? This can't be her twin? No she the only daughter my mom told me. I know a few things about her. Her lip was turning blue. She must be frozen cold.

She looks weak. I slowly lift her up and carried her back to the house. I run away from the wedding and now she already find me. Is this fate? Destiny brought us together. I can't believe it. I hope she will be ok. She looks so pale and cold. How long she in the water? What really happen to her?

"Bren? Nate opens up the door." I shout from the outside. My hand is full with her and all my stuff.

'What happen? Who is she?" said Nate after he opened the door and see me carried a girl inside. Soon Bren join me and there Alex and Henry also.

"What is happening? Where do you find her?' asked Bren looking at her. I put her on the sofa in the hall. Everybody gather around. I look at them and their eyes look thirsty. I quickly take her back.

"I bring her to my room first later I explain to you guy." I quickly rush to my room. I put her on the bed. I can only thinking my room. If she really is my bride I don't want other guys to touch her and worst become their foods. I have to make sure she is safe from them.

I was pacing at the side of the bed. Should I take out her clothes? What should I do? I need to wait for her to wake up? I see many girls naked before but if this is really the girl that supposed to be my future wife I don't want to see her like this. I don't want to violate her privacy without her concerns. She must be mad at me. Who else should do it? We all are guys here. I should bring my maids here. There only guys servants around I can't call them to help me. I should do it alone.

I look at her face. "I'm so sorry. I have to do this. You are so wet and cold I need to removed your cloth. I promised I will not hurt you." I said to her. Why I said all this? Like she can listen to me? Wow her smell so delicious. I have to focus here. Behave yourself Darren. I see something on her neck like a necklace with a letter DX on it. I just look and then let go. Her eyes still close like she having a dream. I slowly take out her cloth as fast as I can and put my shirt on her. There no girl stuff around in the house. Then I cover her up with the blanket and put water by the bed just in case she wakes up a thirsty. Slowly I closed the door and went down. I know the boys need the answer.

'What up Darren? What going on?" asked Henry.

"Yeah where you find her?" asked Nate.

"What happen to her?" asked Alex.

"Well here is the picture of the girl that I have to get marry in a month time." I said and pass them around the picture of her.

'Where you get this? She very beautiful and why you don't want to marry her and run away from home." Say Bren while holding the picture.

"It is because she is a human." I finally said it. I look around and I see all their faces. "I know what you guys think. It a promised that my mother did with her great great great grandmother long time ago. I need to fulfill the promise. If I not mistaken the girl in my room right now is her." I said.

"She is a human. That why you can't accept her." said Bren.

"Why not you accept her? She is a human and as long you love she and she love you. End of story". Say Alex.

"How you know it her?" asked Henry.

"Well look at the picture. It is the same. I just need to wait for her to wake up and ask her name. If her name is the same then it is her. Her name is Danielle Alexis Ahern. She is going to graduate soon. Now is summer holiday for human." I told them and they watch me and quiet.

"So now you fall in love with this girl? Seriously?" asked Bren looking at me confused." You don't believe in love. How you know you love her?"

"I just don't know and I don't care. Whatever happen I will accept it."

"Please give me back my Darren. What you done to him?" Said Henry and shake me up like I was dreaming.

That night I lay by her side on the bed. She still looks peaceful in her sleep. I just let her rest. How long she in the water and fight to stay alive. When she wakes up I will get the info. Now I just let her rest and I have to control my thirst. I can't take her now even though it the best opportunity. She will not know I drink her. "Control yourself Darren. What if she going to be your wife soon you has to control your thirsts?"

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