ODI 2011 SYD

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'The boys have the ODI test, want to go drive into the oval with me?' Daisy asks.
I stare at her blankly through my tired eyes, I reply with a groggy "Sure" and tell her I'll be ready in about 20 minutes.
'Clara and I can play table cricket.' Daisy pushes past me and enters our hotel room in a brisk manner.
'Aren't you all cricketed out?!' Clara questions, her lethargic yawn sending her back onto the couch.
'Not really, how could I?' I hear Daisy state and then the chuckles of Clara.
I smile to myself and can't help but think that maybe we've gained a beautiful friend.

It doesn't take me long to prepare myself for the day. I can't wait to see Lou and George after a long time away. Phone calls aren't quite cutting it.
We never see each other in anything other than our cricket gear. Our training tops or polo shirts and track suit pants or shorts, you know, the usual. Today is no different, the only thing is it is 43 degrees in Sydney today and I am kind of dreading the whole weather thing.

'How can you deal with this heat?!' I state as we tear down the road, the AC on full blast and the radio singing some Australian song I haven't heard before.
'Quite easily, listen to a lot of music, drink a lot of beer and sit on the beach. Three things that take your mind off the fact it's hot, that's why we're going to the cricket.' Daisy explains, turning the tiny hire car into a parking space outside the SCG.
'Ugh I'll pass out, I can feel it.' Clara falls out of the car, her converse shoes almost melting into the bitumen.
'Two things, we played in 46 degree heat last week, and we are sitting in air conditioned commentary boxes today, I promise you'll be fine.' Daisy slams her door shut and guides the two of us into the oval.
'I hate commentating, I always feel like the public will criticise me.' I hand my head. Daisy shoots me a look;
'You're crazy.'
'There are kids sitting up all night listening to us talk, I can't let them down.' I sigh.
'I've sat up many times and I've never once been disappointed, if that's any consolation.' Daisy grins, taking the steps three at a time. She jumps down onto the footpath and bolts.
'Come down here.' Daisy ushers, dragging Clara and I down another flight of stairs.
'Where are we going?' I fret, I don't like bending rules let alone breaking them.
'To see the boys.' She replies quickly turning through a door way and throwing open another door, that leads to the change room, not quite as quickly. In fact she strolls in like she owns the whole place. The sunburnt faces of the Australian team focuses on the proud girl secured in their door way.
'Right boys where might I find-'
'Daisy Cook!' A man rises from his locker and bolts over the scattered bags, taking Daisy in his arms. Daisy settles into his arms, her head pressed against his chest and her arms around his torso. The two of them fit together like puzzle pieces, and as he cups her face the whole room can feel their love.
'I've missed you so bloody much.' He says.
'You have no idea.' Daisy pressed her grinning lips against his and she hoists her legs around his waist. We all cheer, loudly, in awe at the couple before us.
'You girls looking for the Pommy boys?' Steve asks, he is a brilliant batsmen.
'Yes.' Clara replies.
'Turn left down there and the first door you see, say g'day to George for me.' He smirks.
I smile; 'Will do, lets go Clara.'

The two of us wonder around the corner, not quite as quickly as Daisy, more humanly. I push through the door and our presence isn't quite as demanding as Daisy's but it still makes a few turn.
'There my girl!' Lou scoops me into his arms and plants his lips on mine.
'Heya Lou.' I caress his cheek, as he holds me bridal style.
I feel like the only girl in the world in his arms, like nothing can touch me and that I am loved beyond words.
'Commiserations on the lost girls, you played brilliantly' George comes over and places a sweet yet deep kiss on Clara's lips.
'Oh it's all good, it happens.' I shrug as Lou places my feet on the floor.
'Someone has to win, just this time it wasn't us.' Clara hangs her head, her arm around George's waist.
A head pokes through the door of the change rooms.
'Kate, you and Daisy Cook are wanted upstairs.' The voice says. I turned to Lou,
'Duty calls honey, I love you, good luck.' I kiss his soft lips.
'Ditto, see you at lunch.' He sings out as I run off.

'I'm here today with Daisy Cook and Kate Squire, Daisy wicket keeps for Australia and Kate for England's and are the next best thing. Both debutants in the recent women's ashes series and both have proven to be quite the players. Ladies, welcome back to the SCG.' Michael Slater is grinning as we stand underneath the harsh sun on the spectacular oval.
Thanks for having us.' Daisy replies.
'So the two of you have had quite the week, Daisy with winning the ashes and Kate loosing them, how did it feel for both of you in those moments?' Michael asks.
'Obviously the moment England lost was devastating, defiantly hard to take in and process but I felt exceptionally proud of myself and blessed that I even got to play in an ashes test, it's not every day you get to do something like that so yes very grateful.' I explain. Michael smiles and nods.
'Yeah what a brilliant attitude and Daisy?'
'Well, What can I say? You've won an ashes series, it's a feeling you can't describe, your work has paid off and you get to share it with your mates. There's nothing quite like it.' Daisy explains.
'Very true, well girls a little birdy told me that there might be a few boys out on the pitch today, yes?'
'Yes Louis Stanley is out there for England.' I state into the mic.
'Dylan Lefty Wright, fast bowler for Australia!' Daisy giggles.
'So we'll see you girls in the commentary box?' Michael asks.
'Sure will.' we reply in unison.
'That was the beautiful Daisy Cook and Kate Squire.' Michael closes.

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