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14 days pass.
14 days without Daisy's laugh, her voice, her love. The T20 international competition was abandoned and every news crew in the country was outside the hospital.
The days are getting longer and longer, every second seems to last eternity.

"Morning Kate." Dylan looks up from the newspaper in his lap. He's sitting on the bed beside Daisy's limp body.

"Dylan you look awful." I sigh.

"Thanks, better than terrible." He grins, sipping at his water bottle.

"Where's Jack?" I ask.

"Went to get some breakfast with some fella from the SACA, he couldn't believe it either." Dylan chuckles.

Lou walks into the room carrying a bag of groceries.
"I got these for you Dylan, I was gonna leave them at your apartment but I thought as if you'd go and get them." Lou explains.

"Cheers mate." Dylan nods. "So the doctor came in this morning." He continues.

"What do they think?" I ask.

"They're waiting another week, if she's not awake they're holding a meeting regarding whether she's worth the power." He explains.

My heart sinks, my whole body tenses at the thought of it all suddenly ending.

"Worth the power?" I stutter. Lou clasps my hand.

"Well the bed can't be occupied forever can it?" Dylan shrugs.

I glare at him, "if it means her heart is beating it will be."

"Face it Kate, she's not waking up." Dylan remarks, the breath hitches in my throat.

I snarl; "You're an-"

"Hey, don't we have a court hearing to attend?" Lou pushes me to the door.

"How could he say that?" I mumble as Lou helps me into the car.

"His head is all over the place Katie, you know how that feels, they've been by each other's sides since they were 17, imagine just suddenly losing your other half." Lou explains.

"I suppose," I pause. "Do you think she'll wake up?"

Lou shrugs his shoulders, his lips form a frown; "for 14 days I've prayed and hoped for the best. I don't know Kate, I just don't know."
The court house stands tall and strong, I wonder for a moment about the stories it holds and the people it's seen.

I'm woken from my daydream by the embrace of Molly.

"How are you Kate?"

"Very tired but I'm going well, you?"

"Bout the same." She responds. "C'mon we've got a case to win."

She guides me into the house, Lou on my arm. Cassie and Lucy beckon us over, they look smart in their nice clothes, I haven't seen them in anything other than their cricket uniform and black tie attire.

"Good morning girls." I hug them both before taking my seat.


"I invite Mrs Cassidy Jayne Williamson to the witness stand." The judge introduces. Cassie walks up and is asked to pledge, with her right hand raised I see tears well in her eyes.

"Alright Mrs Williamson, tell us your story." The female judge smiles.

"Well, it was during the Ashes series against England in 2011, we had about an hour before we had to go onto the field, so my fellow team mates all went outside to have a final hit before the game. I was having trouble with my calf which isn't unusual, so I asked Mr Willson to give me a massage to try and release the pressure and relax the muscle." Cassie explains.

"Did you ever feel uncomfortable asking for these massages?" The judge asks.

"As a new recruit I did, but I slowly got used to it so when Mr Willson was welcomed into the team I assumed he would treat us with respect. After the first rub down I received I knew that he was trouble." She says.

"So when did the harassment occur?"

"Um..." Cassie curls her lips in, "Well, as I said it was during the Ashes test in Sydney while the other girls were out and he raped me." Tears roll down her cheeks.

"Thank you Mrs Williamson."

We proceed to listen to Molly's and Lucy's story. I've never seen Molly cry, I've never seen Lucy so intimidated. My whole being shakes as I'm called to the stand.

"Representing Mrs Daisy Wright-Cook is Mrs Kate Stanley."

"Mrs Stanley, raise your right hand." The man orders. I do so.

"Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I do." I gasp.

"Mrs Stanley, take a seat and tell us where Mrs Wright-Cook is." The judge says.

"Daisy is currently in hospital, she was hit in the head by a fast moving cricket ball and has been put on support." I tell the court.

"Tell is her story please."

I let out a deep breath and unfold my paper, the exact events that Daisy persevered.

"Before I begin, I would like to thank you for moving the hearing, it has been an awfully tough time for everyone, Daisy wrote these words; it was during a one day international, I'd gotten out for 84, i was quite disappointed in myself and I muttered as I walked into the change rooms. He followed me in, before offering to help to remove my gear. I told him no more than once, but he proceeded to remove my gear and then my clothing. He left me in the change rooms when he heard that my fellow team mate Meg had been given out. I was left in there naked and vulnerable." I rest the paper on the stand.

The judge sighs; "I hear of these happenings every day. How did Mrs Wright-Cook act after the incident?"

"Her husband told me she was quite unstable the night afterwards but she played a game of cricket the very next day. I've never been more proud of her, we've never been more proud of her."

The judge sentences Mr Brian Willson to 10 years in prison. 10 years isn't nearly enough but the tears that flow from the eyes of the girls are proof that they can move on.

I turn to Brian Willson, my eyes flare as we leave the court. "All these women have been damaged by you Mr Willson, but Sir you haven't killed their spirits, in fact you've made them stronger. You deserve everything that the judge has placed upon you. You have 10 years to dwell on the lives of Molly, Lucy, Cassie and Daisy. Maybe you'll hear their names on the TV or Radio, I hope you never forget them Brian, because they'll always remember you." I push him away, before linking arms with Lou and leaving the court.

"Well done Kate." He kisses my lips softly.

"Thank you my love, now take me home." I whisper as I start to cry.

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