Daisy Wright Cook

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[September 2011]

Australia is even more beautiful the day of the wedding. The sun has a different glow and it's light pierces the grey clouds, and onto the grand church that stands in the centre of green field.
The gravel path leads to the door, and on it walks the most spectacular bride I've ever seen. Walking behind her train in a musky Pink dress, I thank god for this beautiful friend. For her love, her smile and her wisdom.

"Bloody nervous Katie." Daisy says with a grin, her face so glowing with excitement.

"You're marrying the man who loves you more than cricket, you've got no need to be nervous." I explain, drawing her into a hug, I wipe my eyes as I rest my chin in her shoulder.

"Thanks for everything Kate, I'm so lucky to have you." Daisy states, gripping my hand, her nerves starting to shine through.

"No thank you." I reply simply.

We help each other up the stairs of the church and I hand Daisy to her Dad.


Dad's eyes scan me for a brief moment before he takes me tightly in his arms. He smells of PK chewies and the cologne that Gran had bought him for Christmas a couple of years ago.

"You know when you were tiny, you'd refuse to wear any sort of dress that I even remotely suggested you wear, now here you are looking spectacular." He sighs.

"Reckon Mum would be proud?" I ask, holding him a little bit tighter.

"She would've been over the moon, I've been dreading this day." He whispers in my ear, "I'm not ready to give my little girl away."

I pull away and cup his face in my hands; "Dad, you'll never not have me by your side, your not going to lose me."

"I know and I'm so excited to see where this takes us." He kisses my cheek before linking his arm in mine.

We begin our walk down the beautiful aisle. Holding back the urge to rush forward and take the blubbering man at the other end in a permanent embrace.
A set of stumps stands proudly in front of the alter. A childhood dream of Dylan's for no reason other than he loved cricket.

I turn back to my father once the smiling march is complete. I kiss his cheek and he guides my hand into Dylan's. 

"I love you." He winks, before placing himself in the seat beside Dylan's parents.

I get lost in the beautiful crisp blue eyes of my husband and he gets lost in mine.

"You take my breath away." He whispers, caressing my cheek with his calloused hand.

I feel my face grow hot as I blush, I smile and focus on the priest.


"SPEECH!" Lou yells once everyone is seated at the reception.
Dylan and I make our way into the small stage. Dylan rests his hands in mine, he takes a deep breath before he begins his speech.

"My dearest Daisy, you made 12 runs on the day I met you, your hair was a mess, your face was bright pink obviously from not applying sunscreen. You had the most awful tan lines from, sun glasses and short sleeve t-shirts but I was so utterly captivated by your beauty I just had to smile. As I got to know and understand you, I noticed you continue to grow into this beautiful human being with blonde hair and wild eyes. Whiskey in a tea cup, who eats sarsaparilla icy poles, who drinks cans of VB and cries at the end of Armageddon every time." The crowd laughs at the statement.
"But you were my VB drinking hopeless romantic, who fell in love with a surfing cricketer. Daisy, here we are, standing in front of all our mates, drinking champagne and eating pork rolls living a life we could have only imagined and I wouldn't change it for the world." He hands the microphone to me as a soft smile cracks onto his lips.

"My Dylan. My husband. My friend. My love. Ever since I was a little girl, I always dreamed of the day I married the man who adored every single part of me. Every imperfection, every tear, every bad day, every smile, every laugh, every day, and that man happened to be you. You seem to think you're spectator in a crowd of my miracles, but my darling you are the greatest miracle I have ever received. My Dad used to speak of Mum being his best friend, and I never fully understood that concept until I met you. Today, just like that, my best friend became my husband, and to think this crazy, sun soaked, music loving cricketer is mine, is more of a blessing than wearing the baggy green. My beautiful Dylan, thank you, for blessing me with your love." I throw my arms around his neck and plant my lips upon his.

The room falls away, our heart beats in time and for the first time in our lives, we are one person, not two. Suddenly the house becomes ours, my bat becomes ours, the bed becomes ours. My life becomes ours.

Standing in our room, the moonlight seeps in through the window. Fingers fondle with buttons and ribbons and the thousands of bobby pins lodged in my hair.
A pair of lips plant a kiss on my bare neck before leaving a trail towards my lips. My hands wrap around the biceps of my husband's, they feel so small as I attempt to grasp them.

The beautiful eyes of my husband pierce through the darkness and a warm love hangs in the air. Our bodies are so close and chests so tight our breath is caught in our throats. His huge hands roam my body, touching and kissing every piece of sensitive skin he could.

He lays me on the bed, he hovers over me, resting his forehead on mine, he whispers; "I never thought I'd find someone like you."

I pull his lips down to mine, my fingers tugging at his hair. Our hearts beat in sync and our minds yearn for the passion that fills our souls.

I take a deep breath as he unclips my bra. His hands claps my face and our eyes meet once again.

"I love you Daisy Wright-Cook, the universe is working on my behalf, all is well, we are safe and I am totally and utterly in love with you." He kisses me, with such an desirable passion I can't help but kiss back.

My life is a whirlwind and falling hopelessly in love with Dylan is just the beginning.

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