Baby Wright-Cook Part 1

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I sway from side to side, my hands resting against my huge tummy. I haven't seen my feet in over 6 months and I haven't dreamt of getting into a keepers stance. I exhale steadily, breathing through the twinging early contractions that are extremely uncomfortable.

'C'mon baby, easy now.' I sigh as I walk over to the phone. I punch in the number of the hotel room that Kate and Lou are in.

'Hello...yes...could you please put me onto Kate Squire, tell her it's Daisy...Thank you.' 
I wait patiently for my friend to pick up her phone.

'Hello Daisy, you alright?' Her accent makes me giggle.

'You wouldn't be able to come down her in like 30 seconds could you?' I breathe out heavily.

'I reckon I can do it in 10, I'll be there soon.' The line goes dead after her quick reply.
I lean against the wall beside the phone, and slide down onto the smooth varnished floorboards. I can't help but wonder what Dylan is up to. They have just won a Sheffield shield grand final in Queensland and I don't think I would be hearing from him.

'It's open!' I call as a loud knock echoes through the house.

'Daisy.' Kate grins, helping me to my feet.

'Ooo god Squiz this hurts more than losing an ashes test.' I groan, my statement so cheesy I have to cringe.

Kate laughs, 'i bet it does.'

I close my eyes as Kate rests her hands on my shoulders, I tilt my head back and almost instantly I feel my water splatter all over my legs. Kate laughs louder than before as she rests my chin on her shoulder.

'Thanks for that.' She whispers in my ear, making me groan in embarrassment and humour. I keep my eyes closed as I feel my heart rate speed up. I breathe heavily and quickly as the two of us sway in a consistent rhythm.

For a good half an hour the two of us stand there swaying, counting contractions and preparing ourselves to meet this new little human.

'I think it's Hospital time.' Kate grins, picking up the bag beside the door.

'What about Dylan?' I ask wiping the lose hair from my eyes.

'I've rung him, you watched me, they're on their way to the airport as we speak, come on time to go.' She links her arm in mine and slowly guided me out to the car.

'Hello Mrs Wright-Cook, how are you?' The nurses cheerfulness is kindly noted but not greatly appreciated.

'It's Daisy, and how do you think I'm feeling?' I reply.

The nurse laughs, 'Well, I'm Susan and this is going to be a lot of fun."

The nurse guides Kate and I into a part of the hospital that I'd never seen before.

"Jump up on the bed, and I'll see how far along you are." The nurse instructs.

"Are you excited?" Kate asks, helping me on the bed.

"Yeah, just wish Dyl was here, I've not done anything without him Katie." I sniff.

"I know Daise I know but don't worry, he's not far away, he'd be on the plane right now." She grips my hand.

"You're about 2 cm's love, your waters broke obviously and your husbands on the way." Susan clarifies.

The two of us nod.

"This might take a long while my darling, where is hubby, if you don't mind me prying?" Susan asks.

"Queensland, he just won a Sheffield shield grand final this afternoon for South Australia." I sip at my water bottle.

"Oh of course, you're all cricketers, oh I've just woken up, this little one is going to have quite the life."
We all laugh.

"Luckiest baby about." I chuckle.

"Alright I'm going to go fill out your paper work, shouldn't be too long just press this button to let me know if you feel like somethings wrong, Okay?"

"Righto." I close my eyes as Susan walks out.

"You know what's hard to imagine?" I begin.

"What?" Kate clambers up next to me, her 37 week belly poking out under her shirt.

"My mum did this, when she was 17, I'm 25 , I can't even imagine doing this at 17." I explain.

"My mum had 6." Kate says. "I can't imagine that and she's lost one too."

"Do you reckon we could get Dad in here?" I ask softly.

"Do you want me to call him?" Kate pulls out her phone.

"He's been by my side for everything else, why should He miss this?" I dial his number and put it on speaker.

"Hello Jack Speaking?"

"G'day Dad its Dot, Do you reckon you could get out of bed and come over to the hospital, I want your support."

I hear dad chuckle; "I've been waiting for this phone call, I'll be right there bub." He hangs up to phone and Kate rests her head beside mine.

"When you were laying on that bed, tubes coming out, I couldn't believe I'd put my friend in such a state, when Jack bent down to flick that switch I didn't think I'd ever hear you laugh again. We had mentally prepared to say goodbye then you started breathing, god then you started breathing and I knew, in those few seconds, that I was going play cricket with you again, now here we are about to welcome something so miraculous into the world, we're so insanely lucky Daisy." Tears well in her eyes.

"I'm so insanely lucky to have you Kate." I hug her tight as a contraction catches me off guard.

"G'day Kiddo, sorry I took so long." Dad kisses my cheek.

"What were you doing?" I ask, waddling over to the tap.

"Chatting to your mum." He chuckles. I shoot him a look of insanity and he laughs a little harder.

"She's very proud of you, so am I." Dad informs. "I got a call from Dylan, he was boarding the plane, so in about half an hour he and Louis will be here, reckon you can hold it in?"

"Dad it's lasted this long and I'm only four centimetres dilated, I've got a while to go." I tell him, ruffling his hair as Kate re-enters the room.

"Doctor says he'll be in soon, they're coming to connect you to some monitors." She smiles. "Getting closer!"

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