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"Mr Cook and Mr Wright if you could please step into my office." Doctor O'Connor asks.
The two of us step in slowly. The dreaded day has come. I feel my lip begin to quiver as soon as I sit in the chair.

"I'm going to get straight to it, Daisy isn't well. We've done tests on her brain and body and have come to the conclusion that if she does wake up she could be paraplegic or brain damaged. The life support she's on at the moment is helping her breathe and her heart beat, if it's switched off she will pass. Her organs will shut down and she'll die." He explains.

Tears roll silently down my cheeks from my closed eyes. My fingers twitch and leg taps.

"It's your decision, medically it's best to put her to rest but it's up to you." Doctor O'Connor says.

Jack doesn't move, he rises to his feet and says; "she deserves to be at peace."

"No she's my wife and I don't agree with this!" I proclaim.

"Dylan, I don't want this to be true either believe me, but life's unfair you know that. Let her sleep mate, we'll be right here with you, you won't be alone." Jack says.

I let out a deep breath. "Okay." I whisper heavily.
I swallow hard before racing down the hall. My beautiful wife, the only person in the world who knows me better than myself, my reel, my soulmate, my best friend is about to die. I fall onto my knees, my hands gripping to Daisy's as I bellow.

I hear Kate's screams from down the hall and Lou's attempt at consoling her, only resulting in his own break down. Foot steps echo into the room.

"Time to say Goodbye." Jack mutters. "Mind if I talk to Dot by myself mate?"

I nod before stepping outside.


"Well, Daise, Doctor reckons you're not going to get better, that's a bit of a bugger." I say, sitting down in the chair beside the bed. I lean over and push the hair from her face.

"This will be the second time I've done this, neither one has been easy that's for sure." I mutter, studying the most perfect face I have ever seen. The face I've seen cry and laugh and freckle as the years flew by.

My little baby girl lies in front of me, the little baby girl I've raised into the beautiful, proud, stubborn, excitable young woman she was.
But that's not who I see.
She looks weak, small, tired and lost. Like she doesn't know where to go from here. I feel my lip trembling, knowing I can't guide her up to heaven.

"You always manage to surprise me Dot, always, even now, you made it this long baby girl." I kiss her forehead and cup her soft face.

"Forever my little girl and forever your Dad."
I pull away and walk away without a second look but with a shattered heart.


I feel the warm drops of utter sadness trickle down my cold cheeks. Daisy's strong, calloused hands rest in my tight grasp. The monitor connected to her heart beeps steadily as her chest rises and falls almost unnaturally. Her eyelashes flicker as I attempt to fight back my emotions. Constant chills line my skin, making my hairs stand on end, as my mind keeps thinking of the worst or was it the best? Maybe this has life changing effects, this bruising on her brain. The doctor mentioned a 50/50 chance that she'll come out of this the way she was before and that gives me no hope.

I rest my chin in the crook of her neck. The warmth of her skin is almost non-existent and her smell is completely gone. I wonder if she can feel me. If my touch is a reassuring comfort.
I wonder if she hears me and the songs I play for her.
I know she is terrified, I can tell by the way her face sits. Even though she looks dead, I know that she is scared and I can't live with that.

I continue to watch her, hoping for just a movement. For just one sign that maybe she is alive in there.

But there is nothing.

Just her eyelashes. Like always.

My top lip quivers violently. Tears continue to stream down my cheeks. My hands cup her face, as I blubber my words.

"I wouldn't change anything for the world my darling, you've changed my life Daisy Wright-Cook, I'm so grateful to have been able to hold you and love you and I will continue to do so till I die." I cry, I rest my forehead against hers.

"You can let go now Daisy, don't let me keep you, be free my darling Dot, I'll be right, I can do it by myself, I don't want to but I will." I kiss her Cold lips, holding her face a little tighter than before.

I feel Jack pull me away from the bed,
"Time to flick the switch I think." Jack swallows, his tear stained cheeks frighten me. I groan and shake my head, resting my forehead against his shoulder. Kate falls through the door and then against the bed. Nothing exits her mouth, not a sound.

"Goodbye my darling, my sweet wicket keeper." Jack whispers, kissing Daisy's head as he bends down to turn off the machine keeping her alive.
I press my face against Daisy's cheek, gripping her hand and whispering soft words of love in her ear.
Kate holds Daisy's other hand, her eyes are closed, I can't tell if she is crying.

I hold my breath as Jack flicks the switch. The machine shuts down and the room falls silent.

I hear Jack sink to his knees, his heart broken. I hear the wailing screams of Kate, but through all the terror and heartbreak, I feel a warm breath against my skin.

The Keeper of Wickets Where stories live. Discover now