Moved... Again

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Savannah's POV

"Please honey! For me just TRY to stay out of trouble today?" My mother begged as we started driving to my new school "What's the point? Everywhere I go I'm hated" I mumbled "No, Savannah just.... Don't be so violent or stop smoking." She said softly and at that point we arrived at my new school.

"Bye honey! Try to make some friends. I love you" my mum said. "Bye" I said and got out, grabbing my book bag. I looked up at my new school and sighed.

Once I got to the office, the only person I saw was some lady on her phone... "hello?" I asked and she looked up and smiled "Hello dear! You must be Savannah White! Hold on one second and I'll get all your papers ready." She said and started typing away so I sat down in a chair and got on my phone to twitter. "Oh no Hun phones aren't allowed in school!" She said like my mother. I rolled my eyes and put it up. After a little while she say up and said quite loudly "Ok I got them all together! Have a nice day" and handed me papers. I read my schedule

1- Science

2- Math

3- Gym (A day) Band(B day)

4- Reading (Lunch)

5- Social Studies

6- Writing

7- Art (A day) Tech(B day)

I sighed and looked at her "What period is it and is it a B day or A day?" I asked "Uh... 3rd and B day" She mumbled not paying attention to me only her phone. I rolled my eyes and headed off

When I finally found the classroom, I knocked on the door and a man around his late 20s opened up and smiled "Ah you must be Savannah!" He said very happy "Yeah" I mumbled and he brought me to the front of the room. "Class! Listen up. This is Savannah White. She's new, will someone volunteer to show her around?" He asked and a pale girl with brown short hair raised her hand "Ok, Sydney, after class I'll give you a pass and let you show her around to all her rooms" He said "Yes sir" She smiled "Oh yes. I almost forgot! I'm Mr. Cooper. Uh, Savannah would you like to tell the class a little about yourself?" Mr. Cooper asked "Um... Sure. No problem" I said fake smiling and turned to the class "I'm Savannah White and I just moved here from London with my mum and my sister, Alice. I was originally born in America but moved to England in 6th grade" I said and Sydney raised her hand "What happened to your dad?" She asked and I smirked "He got in my way" I said lowly and everyone's face drained color and looked terrified and I laughed "I'm kidding... he um he killed himself" I said quietly so almost no one could hear. "Ok. That's enough you can go sit over there by Mr. Hemmings" He said pointing at a boy with blonde hair. I walked over there, threw my stuff down and sat

"Hey, I'm Luke" The blonde boy said "Savannah" I said getting on my phone "Woah! It's your first day! Aren't you gonna TRY to be good?" He said surprised. There's that stupid word again. Try! Why should I? Not like I'll be good at it, I already know there's no hope. Now if only other people did too... "No, I already know I'm gonna leave soon" I mumbled and by the looks of it he became more interested "Mums job?" He asked and I shook my head "Robbery?" He tried again and I shook my head again "Memories?" and I shook my head aggravated and snapped my head towards him and said harshly "I get kicked out ok? Now shut up!" He had a small look of fear in his eyes and I went back to my phone.

At last the bell rung and Sydney ran over to me "Hi!" She said happily and took my sheet of all my classes "Ah! you have Mrs. Locks next too" She said "Uh... Yeah. Can we just go?" I asked impatiently "Wow. Sassy" She laughed then looked at my serious expression "What's the matter?" She asked "Nothing " I said and she shrugged and we took off to 4th period.

Once we got there, Mrs. Locks, sat me next to some kid named Daniel with dark hair that goes to the side and was very pale... "Hey" He mumbles and I wave. Then the torture starts....

~~45 Minutes Later~~

"Finally" I say and was about to leave till Daniel stopped me "Hey! What's your name?" He asked "Savannah" I said impatiently "You know mine but call me Dan" He smiles and I fake a quick smile and head off with Sydney as she showed me the social studies classroom. The teacher was Mrs. Smith. One thing... Most. Boring. Class. EVER! This class seemed longer then any other classes today. I almost fell asleep...2 times.

After a torturing 45 minutes I headed to writing. Great. I hope this isn't as boring as SS... Well this is school nothings fun... unless you skip classes "Come on. Let's go" Sydney rushed me. Man I wish I could go back to lunch....

After School

"Finally out of that hell hole" I say leaving and started walking towards my house. I lit a cigarette and hoped no one caught me. This place was nice maybe staying here a little bit longer won't be so bad... But I'll probably will get kicked out soon. Already got detention tomorrow.

"HEY! Wait! Savannah can I walk with you?" Dan ran up to me and I rolled my eyes "Whatever" and continued smoking my cigarette. "You.. SMOKE?" He asked astonished and I looked at him "Yeah so? What is so bad about smoking?" I asked "It makes your breath stink,. So when you kiss, all they taste is disgusting smoke" He says and I look at him and simply say "Ice breakers. Now go away" I mumbled the laste part. "You want ME to go away?" He asks dramaically "Yeah" I say coldly and he looks confused "Why are you pushing everyone away?" "Because all people do is fuck with your emotions and I'm better off alone" I say harshly and see my house. As I walk away he shouts to me "WHY DON'T WE BE FRIENDS??" and I almost laughed outloud. Friends? What's the point? They always leave.

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